Page 82 of Love and Gravity

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She hummed and added a cup of chocolate chips to the batter. “Is that why you’re holding it upside down?”

He let out a sigh, eyes darting away to survey the book. “Seems I’ve been found out.” He snapped the book shut and shot her a wink that made her laugh.

“Why don’t you just come over here and stop staring at me?”

“I was waiting for an invite,” he muttered, tossing the book to the side and rising from the couch with a stretch. “You’ve been over there teasing me with all the mixing.”

“Mixing is teasing?” she asked him.

“It is when you do it.” He nodded at the spoon in her hand and shook his head. “I’ve never been envious of a spoon before.”

She hitched a hip against the counter. “And why are you jealous of it, Mr. Kovalev?” she asked, and ran her tongue along her bottom lip, one hand giving the wooden spoon a little spin before she lifted it from the batter and swiped her tongue along its length.

“Mm, that’s good.” She grinned as she watched his eyes move from her hands to her mouth.

“Because you’ve had your hands all over it.” He stifled a sigh when she continued to nibble at the dough on the spoon. “And now your mouth…”

It was nice to steal the words right from the man who always seemed to have a quip at the ready.

“Is what?” she asked, dropping her voice.

“Teasing me in the best way.” He took a step closer to her until they were only a few inches apart.

She held the spoon out and gave it a little wiggle. “Want a taste?”

“God, yes.” His voice was ragged and heavy. The heat in it was, well, it was very damn good to her. She felt that rough tone in Anton’s voice right down to her toes. And other places too. Like her clit.

She squirmed and sucked in a deep breath trying to steady herself, but it was no use. Her breath caught in her throat when his hand darted forward and caught her wrist. He pulled her hand up and dipped his head to take the spoon in his mouth. She watched him, not daring to breathe as his lips, those full beautiful lips she wanted to kiss, closed around the spoon.

He looked up at her, somehow managing to do it through his lashes, though he was taller than her. The way he crowded her against the counter, one hand braced on the marble beside her, caging her in between the hard surface at her back and his body. It was heady. That wasn’t even including the look he was giving her. She almost groaned aloud from the heavy-lidded look he gave her. His thumb rubbed across the inside of her wrist, his fingers sliding up the back of her hand and across her knuckles in a way that made her knees weak.

“Delicious,” he told her, voice husky, and she startled. She’d been watching him eat, the way his tongue moved, lips closing around the spoon before he swallowed. The bob of his throat was even sexy. Hell’s bells. She was screwed. Not that it mattered because it wasn't about winning or losing. Showing weakness or hiding her heart. It wasn’t like that with Anton.

He wanted her just as she was.

“What? Sorry, I-I wasn’t paying attention. ” She blinked up at him, her hand feeling like it had a mind of its own as her fingers flexed in Anton’s grip. The spoon jerked forward, catching him on the lips and chin before it clattered to the floor.

“Fuck,” Grace whispered. Her cheeks turned pink at her less than graceful move and she shook her head. “I’m failing at looking sexy.”

He chuckled and his fingers danced across the back of her hand. All she could think about was how close he was to her, how warm he felt, what it might be to have his hands on her in a more physical capacity.

“I’d say you’re doing just fine. You’ve got me eating out of the palm of your hand, Grace.”

She smiled, the corner of her mouth lifting. “I think you mean spoon…you know, before I dropped it.” She raised her eyes to his and smiled at him to see that he was looking at her like she was the end and beginning of his world. This man didn’t care if she wasn’t flawlessly sexy or could keep a grip on a spoon. He moved close and kissed her. It was just a quick peck, but it stole her breath all the same. All of it was dizzyingly sexy—and then there was the cookie batter smeared on his face. The last thing didn’t detract from his pulse-pounding sex appeal—in fact, it added to it. Funny, seeing as she’d never really thought she’d be into food when she wanted to get busy.

“You’ve got…” She circled her face with a finger to highlight the cookie batter on his. “A little something right there.”

He licked at the sweet batter and his eyes closed as he hummed in satisfaction. “That’s delicious, Gracie.”

She nodded, even though he couldn’t see with his eyes closed. He had succeeded in licking off a portion of the batter, but there was still the smear against his chin which made her lean toward him to lick him. She was going to taste this man if it killed her.

New kink unlocked, she guessed? She didn’t know if this qualified as that, but she’d eat a sub sandwich off this man if the opportunity presented itself.

“What are you-” He blinked when she nuzzled her lips against his jaw for a moment before she kissed his chin, her tongue darting out to taste the batter.

“Oh,” he breathed.

“Oh,” she echoed, pushing herself up on her tiptoes and kissing his lips. She stole another kiss before he sagged against the counter. This time it was her turn to give him a questioning look. He reached toward the bowl, a finger scooping up batter, and before she could ask what he was up to he smeared it across his mouth and cheek.
