Page 45 of Adam

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Her breath hitches and we begin to move in a slow circle to the country ballad. She swallows hard and stares directly at my Adam's apple. Her tiny hand rests in mine. We dance without talking.

Finally, she says, "It's a nice party, don't you think?"

Okay, I guess we're going with small talk.

On the other hand, the dance floor is getting more crowded than I'd expected. Didn't know there were so many romantic cowboys around. It's not like Kit and I can hash out our differences here.

"Yes," I respond. "The best yet. You and Boone did a terrific job."

She relaxes a bit at my praise.

"But that's not what I want to talk about," I whisper in her ear. She stiffens but we continue our languid circle on the wooden dance floor. "I'm not giving you up. Not without a fight."

* * *


Run!My brain is screaming at me to get the hell out of there.

The day has gone perfectly. Just the fireworks remain of the festivities and then in the morning I'll be on my way. Back home where I belong.

You belong right here. In Adam's arms.

Oh shut up.

Adam leads us to the edge of the dance floor and into the darkness beyond the lights from the band. There's a cluster of trees and that's where we end up. A small barricade from the outside world and we stare at each other in the dim moonlight.

"I thought I could let you go, Kit. Respect your decision. Let you get back to your own life." His words burn through me and my pulse thunders. All I want is to melt into him, but I hold myself stiffly away.

"But I can't. Not without telling you how I feel."

The blood rushes from my face and it's hard to breathe.

"I love you, Kit. With my whole being," his voice brims with emotion and I can't tear my eyes away from his. He swallows hard. "Over there," he gestures with his head, but I keep my eyes on his and ignore whatever is 'over there', then he cups my face between his palms. Like I could look away if I wanted. "Babies and families."

He's speaking in fragments and I feel the tension in him. "I want that," he grits out. "With you."

He lowers his mouth and touches mine. I melt into him, my arms circle around his shoulders, drawing strength from him. Telling him wordlessly how I feel about him.

A growl emanates from his chest and he gathers me closer, lifting and pressing me against the trunk of one of the trees. The bark is rough against my back, but I don't care. Nothing matters. The feel of his body crushing mine is like coming home. I’ve longed for him from my very depths ever since the awful night I shut my bedroom door on him.

The missing part of me is in place.

He kisses me thoroughly and I see stars. I hear skyrockets. It's like something out of a corny movie except I swear it's really happening.

"Kit? Where's Kit? And Adam. They're missing the fireworks." Before Boone's voice registers with me or Adam, she's on us, somehow finding us in the dark and hidden, or so we wrongly assumed, by the trees.

"There you—HO-LEE FUCK."



I stiffen and push at Adam's chest. Maybe she didn't really see what I fear she did.

Adam steps back and sets my feet on the ground but he keeps his arm around my waist. He turns to face Boone, his expression calm and composed. Meanwhile, I'm in sheer panic mode.

Boone stares at us, mouth agape. Behind her the fireworks continue to flash in the sky, but that's nothing compared to the sparks jetting off of Boone. She directs all her anger at me.
