Page 55 of Adam

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She leaves, but pauses in the doorway. "Our guests will be arriving soon. I expect you downstairs in ten minutes. Or sooner."

I squirt more lotion on my hands and stare out the window.

It's a Holly Jolly Christmaswafts up from the speakers downstairs.

Holly Jolly my ass.

* * *


Just to piss my mother off, I stay in my room for twenty minutes before going downstairs. Yeah, I'm a rebel.

My mother shoots me a look that usually would have had me quaking in my shoes but tonight, I frankly don't care. I've got too much on my mind to worry about my mother's hissy fits.

Besides, the look lasts only an instant and I'm sure no one else noticed. She's back to greeting the guests and playing the part of the world’s greatest hostess.

Bridget, my perfect sister, strolls over looking fabulous in a blue dress which sets off her sleek blonde hair. "I understand congratulations are in order," she says. "I’m glad you’re going to settle down."

She says it like I’ve just come back from running off with the circus.

I nod in reply, and she moves on to someone more important.

I glance around and see Peter and his parents entering through the front door. One of the temps hired for the party takes their coats and Peter's eyes meet mine. He smiles, almost shyly, and I smile back.

Maybe I'm being too hard on him.

He walks to me and takes my hands in his. "Kit," he says, "you look amazing. Your dress is incredible."

I blush. "Thank you."

I feel people glancing at us. Do they think he's going to propose right now? Oh god, what will I do?

"Kit," he says, "why don't we go into the next room and talk? Away from everyone else."

I nod. Holding my hand, he leads me away from the crowd and into a quiet corner of the less-formal family room. My heart pounds. Is this when he's going to propose? My steps falter and he stops to steady me, concern in his brown eyes. "Are you okay?" He really is quite sweet.

This could work.

Sure, keep telling yourself that.

We sit down together on a sofa. This is it. My face feels hot.

"Um," he says and looks at me kind of embarrassed. His cheeks turn pink. "A lot of people expect me to propose tonight," he says.

I nod.

"Are you one of them?" he asks.

My mouth falls open and no words come out.

He uses his finger to gently push my jaw back into place.

"I know it's what our families expect," he says. "And I know it would make all four of our parents happy."

"But, will it make us happy?"

He laughs, ruefully. "Oh, are we allowed to take our own happiness into consideration?" His face clouds over and I pull back.
