Page 61 of Adam

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December 25


"Oh my god," Kit says, laughing, "I've never heard anything like it."

"What are you talking about?" I take my eyes off the road and look over at her. We landed in Ponderosa Pass about two hours ago. I got Kit tucked up in my truck and headed for home. The pilot kindly gave me a thermos of coffee. Next stop, North Starr Ranch.

She fell asleep by the time we got on the highway, and I've been driving happily along in the middle of the night to get my girl home as soon as possible.

I haven't communicated with my siblings since the conversation in the car on the way to the airport. I'm sure they're all asleep and there's no point in waking them now. Kit and I will sneak in quietly and see them all in the morning.

I can't fucking wait.

"I was having the strangest dreams about a cat caught in a dryer and then I woke up to your singing." She's laughing so hard she's having trouble catching her breath. "I thought you were perfect at everything."

"What?" I say, with faux indignation. "Iamperfect at everything."

"Not at singing," she says. "Wow, you’re bad."

I reach over and squeeze her hand. "Maybe I need you to sing with me."

I turn up the radio. "Come on, Kit. Sing with me."

She laughs but joins in.

"Wow," I say after a minute or two. "You're not much better than me."

"I guess that means we're perfect for each other." She belts out a sour note and I join right in.

* * *


Who knew singing horribly could feel so good?

We sing along to the Christmas songs on the radio and soon we arrive in Chickadee Ridge. The houses and businesses are strung with colorful Christmas lights, and I have a feeling of coming home.

Adam turns into the driveway at North Starr Ranch and anxiety knots in my stomach. What will Adam's family have to say? I know they were all enthusiastic on the phone a few hours ago, but what will the reality be like?

Adam reaches for my hand again. "Welcome home, kitten," he says. He puts the truck in park and looks in my direction. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"I-I just wonder if, you know, if everything will be okay. With Boone and the others. I ran off, you know."

"I don't think you need to worry," he says and glances toward the house. The whole place is lit up and the front door flies open and Boone rushes out, followed by Caleb and even Deacon. They're all waving their arms and shouting out greetings.

Caleb opens the door on my side of the truck and I jump out. "Welcome home," he says, giving me a hug.

Boone pushes him out of the way and wraps me in her arms and hugs me until I can't breathe. "I'm so sorry," she whispers in my ear. "I'm a horrible friend and a horrible person."

I pull back and look at her through the tears in my own eyes. "No, Boone, you're the best person. Come on, it's Christmas. Let's get inside."

She grabs my hand and drags me toward the front door. I glance back at Adam and he shrugs.

Deacon claps him on the shoulder and the three brothers follow us inside.

Midge rushes out from the kitchen. Doesn't she ever take a day off? I'm wrapped in another hug and my stomach growls when we separate. "I thought as much," she says. "Come on, I've got breakfast for everyone."

We pile into the dining room. "I haven't been up this early on Christmas morning since I was seven," Deacon says, but he's not complaining.
