Page 63 of Adam

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"Maybe you should have asked me first," I say. Fortunately for her, I'm so happy her interference isn't nearly as annoying as usual. Thank goodness.

"Kit!Everyonewants to be there. You can't expect our friends to go all the way out to god-knows-where, Montana."

"Mother, here's an idea. Why don't you leave the wedding to the professionals...Boone and me. And you can come and be a guest and enjoy yourself."

"Now you listen here, Kit," she starts, and the sweet tone has disappeared.

"I'll keep you posted, Mother," I say, ending the call and blowing out a breath.

"Sounds like that was a stressful call," Adam says, coming into the living room where I'm sitting to enjoy the Christmas tree and making phone calls. I decided to get the call to my mother out of the way first. Next on the list is my Grandma Phyllis.

"Yes," I sigh. "Mother started out sweet as pie but when I told her the wedding was going to be here instead of at their country club, she wasn't so sweet anymore."

He chuckles. "I don't suppose she was." He sits next to me and draws me onto his lap. "Would you rather get married there? I don't care, as long as we're bound together forever."

I rest my head on his shoulder. "No. Not at all. I want to get married here. Boone and I have big plans for this to be the first wedding at The Love Knot."

"Oh," he says, "so I'm just a marketing ploy?"

"What?" I sit up straight. "No, of course not."

But he's laughing. "I don't care if you do want to use me as a marketing ploy," he says. "All I care about is you." He takes my phone from my hand and sets it on the coffee table.

"Wait, I need to call Grandma and give her the good news."

"I'm sure she won't mind if you call her a bit later." He lowers his face and captures my lips in a kiss that makes me forget about my mother, wedding plans and even my cell phone.

My arms wind around his neck and hold him close. I still can't believe we're going to be married. Man and wife. ’Til death do us part.

Adam stands with me in his arms and starts walking. He doesn't even break the kiss. I'm lost in a sea of sensations and have no idea where he's taking me. Nor do I care, as long as we're together and his lips are on mine.

When the kiss ends, I realize we're in a part of the house I haven't seen yet. It's a corridor on the far end of the building. I look around and then I laugh.

"I still can't believe your house has an elevator in it," I say.

"Ourhouse," he corrects me. The doors open and he carries me inside. "It was added the last time the house was updated. Makes it easier for Midge and the help to get things up to the third floor. Besides, when we're old and gray, we'll be glad not to have to walk up all those stairs."

"Good thinking," I say.

"But for now," he rests my butt on the railing and the doors close behind us, "it serves another purpose altogether."

His hands slid under my sweater and cup my breasts. A zing of heat goes through me and my pulse quickens. The elevator starts to ascend.

"Aren't you going to hit the 'stop' button?" I tease.

"Oh hell no, darlin'. I don't plan on stopping. Ever."

His mouth covers mine and I don't ever want him to stop either.

* * *
