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"You’re hurt," she gasps.

"Keep moving," I order. I focus on putting one foot in front of the other. I have to make it out of here. Have to. I increase my pace, break into a run, and she stumbles to keep up with me. I reach the main door, fling it open just as a bullet slams into the door frame next to my head.

"Porca miseria!"I shove her forward, then turn, depressing the trigger on my gun. The hollow click reverberates in the corridor. "Fuck!" I let the gun fall from my fingers, and hold up my arms.

The man who defied Alvaro earlier raises his gun and his lips kick up.

"How much money do you want? Name a figure and I’ll double it," I snap.

He chuckles. "No amount of money can equal the respect I’ll command when I kill you and take this bitch as mine."

Behind me, Olivia stiffens. I sense her moving forward. She has a gun, but if she steps around me, he’s going to shoot her. He’s going to hurt her, and no way can I let that happen.

"Stay back, Via," I order in a low voice. But does she obey me? Of course not. My woman tries to step around me, and I thrust out my arm to stop her.

"Let her go; it’s me you want."

"On the contrary..." He walks forward. "It’s she who cost Alvaro his life. It makes her much more valuable right now."

More men appear, guns raised as they follow him. Shit, this is not good, not good at all.

"Run, Olivia, I’ll hold them back."

"And die in the process, no doubt? You think I’m going to let that happen?" she shoots back.

"Leave, Olivia. If they get their hands on you, I’ll never forgive myself."

"And if I leave you behind, I’ll never forgive myself."

"Give me the gun and get out of here, woman," I say impatiently.

"No way am I going to let you pull this macho shit on me anymore. If you die, I die with you."

"This isn’t one of your movies. This is real life, baby. You need to leave while you still can."

"Don’t you know? Real life is often stranger than reel life, baby." She begins to step around me, gun aimed at the advancing men. I snatch the gun from her, and shove her out the front door. "Sorry,Stellina, I can’t let anything happen to you."

"What the—? Massimo, you—" I slam the door in her face, then turn and fire.



I try to wrench open the door when shots ring out on the other side. I drop to the floor and bullets tear through the door above me. "No, no, no, Massimo!" I throw myself to the side and huddle there as more bullets rip through the door. Fragments of wood rain down on me, I throw my arms over my head to shield myself. The shooting seems to go on and on. My pulse thuds at my temples, the blood pumps in my ears, and my heart beats against my rib cage like a bird caught in a net.Massimo, Massimo. You can’t die on me. Don’t you dare leave me, you hear me?I squeeze my fingers together, close my eyes and pray.

Then, the shooting cuts out, and all I can hear is the ringing in my ears. The pounding within me continues. A chunk of wood from the frame hits the ground with a thud, then the entire middle section of the door crumples into pieces. I squeeze my eyes shut, curl myself into as small a ball as possible, and tremble. Suddenly aware of the stillness pressing down on me, I snap my eyes open, and rise to my feet. My knees threaten to give out from under me.

I lean against the wall, panting like I’ve run a marathon. My heartbeat is still so loud, I hear it pounding in my ears, feel my pulse thudding under my skin. I slide toward the edge of the door and peek inside. The corridor is littered with fallen bodies, and there on the floor, with his arm flung toward the door, is Massimo. Everything around me fades. There’s only him.

"No!" I jump forward and sink to my knees beside him. Blood stains the side of his shirt. The skin surrounding one eye is discolored. His eyelids are shut, the eyelashes a dark semicircle against his cheeks. His features are pale, and he’s so still.Oh my god!My breath catches on a sob. Is he even breathing?

No, it’s not possible. The tears I’ve been trying to hold back slide down my cheeks.No, don’t leave me. Please.I throw myself on his body and sob. He can’t leave me because I love him

I hold him tighter. My chest hurts, my limbs are numb, and every part of me is ready to die with him. My man. My beast, with his broad chest, massive shoulders, a square jaw, and those pouty lips I’d recognize anywhere. He can’t leave me. He can’t.

Massimo!I fling my arms around him and press my lips to his. I kiss him fervently, lick his unresponsive mouth, and nibble on his lower lip. "Massimo. Massimo," I murmur. His lips part, and I slide my tongue inside. He sucks on my tongue, and I deepen the kiss, then pause. I raise my gaze past that hooked nose to those gorgeous gray eyes, through which he regards me. There’s a spark deep inside; it snares me and won’t let go.

"Massimo, you’re alive!” I cry.
