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"Consider it done." His smile widens.

"And you don’t put men on me," she says in a casual tone.

He laughs. "I’m afraid I’ll have to defer to your husband on that."

She blows out a breath. "It was worth a try."

* * *

Forty-five minutes later, I glance through the window of my room to find JJ’s men taking up position outside the gates of our home. I’d gone over and introduced myself to Peter, the team leader, earlier, and reviewed the security arrangements with him.

After that catch up with JJ, which went better than expected, we drove home in relative silence. I excused myself to head to the study, where I caught up with my brothers and updated them about the latest incident with Alvaro, and the deal I struck with JJ. I told them JJ would step in with security arrangements until Axel’s security firm was able to get on the case.

Michael was insistent about sending some of our own men down to shore up the security and I agreed. There could never be too much security, as far as I was concerned. I also told him to liquidate half of my share of the assets in the family businesses to raise the billion dollars. With luck, that’s all I’ll need to raise the money. He told me he understood why I had to do it, and promised to help me facilitate it.

I agreed to update him on how things went, then hung up. By the time I came up the stairs, the door to her room was shut. No doubt, she retired for the night. I walked over to the door of her room, raised my hand to knock, then changed my mind. Instead, I went to my room, stripped off my clothes, and flung myself on the bed.

The radiators sigh as the heating kicks in. March in London feels like December in Italy. Fucking weather here is as piss-poor as the attitude of its citizens. At least the English countryside had redeeming qualities to it. Unlike this goddamn city, which takes itself way too seriously. Except when they get ‘pissed.’ No wonder the Brits have nearly a hundred ways to say 'drunk' in English. Or so goes a popular song.

I pull up the sheet and close my eyes, then turn on my side. I already checked in with the men around the perimeter of the house, and provided them with enough coffee to ensure they’ll be alert through the night. Just having them visible should prove a deterrent for Alvaro and his men. I hope.

I also checked every door and window, to make sure we were secure before I went to bed. I turn on my back, then fling my arm behind my neck. I close my eyes, and images of how she came apart in the elevator fill my mind. How the scent of her intensified, she thrust out her chest, and bowed her back, and I knew she was close. I continued to rock her against my leg, and even through the layers of cloth that separated us, I felt her pussy flutter.

My cock extends, and blood drains to my groin.Cazzo!I’ll never be able to go to sleep now. I fling off the sheet, pad toward the bathroom, and switch on the shower.



I turn over on my side, kick off the covers, then pull them on again. The heating kicked in, and the room is warm. Maybe too warm? Or maybe it’s me? The events of the evening crowd in on me—Alvaro’s threat, then my coming apart as Massimo made me ride his leg. I never knew that was possible. Since the last time he fucked me—in the aircraft bathroom—I’ve been horny. I came then, but it wasn’t enough. And now, being forced to see him day and night, it’s agony. Being near him, being under the same roof as him, seeing him, and smelling him, and wanting to be close to him, when I know it’s all wrong for me, is torture. I didn’t expect this. I didn’t think I’d miss his touch, but the way he looks at me, like I’m at the center of his universe, how he’ll do anything to protect me… It’s all so overwhelming. And I heard his reply when JJ asked him what he’d give to keep me safe. He replied, his life. Without any hesitation. I’m sure he didn’t think I could hear him from across the room, which is why he said that, but still… It means something.

He hasn’t admitted he loves me… Although, somewhere inside, I can’t help but think he does. I mean, he must feel something for me. It’s why he shot my brother, why he manipulated me into marrying him. Why he wants to make sure I’m protected day and night… That last part, though, I can do without. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing so all these years on my own, after all. Not that I want to give Alvaro a chance to get to me. That man’s pure evil. I’ve seen Mafia men in the course of growing up with theCamorra,and none of the men my father interacted with came across as being as much of a monster as this guy, and Massimo agreed to pay him.

Shit, he’s going to pay him a billion dollars. To keep me safe. He didn’t have to think twice; he agreed right away. Not that he can’t afford it. He’s a wealthy man, but still. Bet if Alvaro had asked for more money, he'd have agreed to that, too. He’ll do anything to keep me safe. He will. A funny sensation tickles my nose. I sniff. Why does he have to be so handsome, so sexy, so possessive... and so caring, whenever he lets down his guard? Why couldn’t he have been ugly and fat and obnoxious? And why does every action of his confuse me further? My chest hurts, and my stomach clenches. Shit, I’m never going to sleep this way. I need to figure out what’s happening here. I need time and space away from him to unravel exactly what I feel for him.

I shove the covers off, swing my legs over the side of the bed, and rise to my feet. At this rate, I’m never going to fall asleep. Maybe if I get something to drink, it’ll help. I walk out of my room, down the corridor, and past Massimo’s room. The door is slightly open. I hesitate. I should keep going, go to the kitchen as planned. I take a step forward, but in the direction of the door. Fuck it, I’m just going to peek in, and see if he’s awake. Maybe he’ll want to talk to me, or watch a movie or something?

I pop my head around the door, only to find the bed is empty. Hmmm. Light flows out from the bathroom, and sounds of the shower reach me. OMG, he’s in there, under the shower, with water running down the demarcation of his pecs, down his sculpted abs, over his crotch and his monster cock. Is he erect? I brushed up against the column in his crotch when he pulled me up on his thigh in the elevator. And he didn’t come. He would have left there with a big ol’ hard-on. Is he still engorged?

Leave now, turn, and just go back to bed.Or I can go to his bed? I take a step forward, then another, until I’m standing at the foot of his bed. I glance at the mussed-up sheets. The duvet is hanging off the end, and one of the pillows has fallen to the floor. Apparently, he hasn’t been able to get to sleep, either.

The shower shuts off. Silence descends.Shit, shit, shit.I turn to leave, when a noise reaches me. Awhack-whack-whackof flesh meeting flesh. It can’t be... Is it? Is he in there taking care of himself? Maybe I can help him... I move toward the door, then stop.You walk in there and everything changes, you know that, right? Oh hell!I squeeze my thighs and my fingers ball into fists at my sides.Leave now, and nothing will change. You can continue to focus on your career.And he… is going to pay up the money to save me. He’s going to do his best to protect me. And he’s my husband. It’s his duty, isn’t it? And my duty as his wife, is what? To ensure he doesn’t have to suffer?

Not my problem. I only married him to keep my family safe. I don’t really feel anything for him, do I? I don’t consider him my husband. Not really. Best to get out of here.

I take another step toward the exit when a groan reaches me. The hair on my forearms rises. My scalp tingles.Don’t turn, don’t.I spin around and walk on the wooden floor, my bare feet making no sound, and draw abreast with the open bathroom door. I push it open further, and spot him leaning his forehead against the shower cubicle, completely naked. He has one hand pressed onto the tile above his head. The fingers of his other hand are wrapped around his cock.

Guess he just finished his shower, but there’s no steam, so... He took a… cold shower? And when that didn’t help, he decided to help himself?

Water clings to his shoulders and slides down his back to the valley between his firm ass cheeks. And that is one fine ass. I felt it up that night in the room above the bar, but seeing him like this is another thing altogether, let me tell you. Is it crazy that I want to go over there and bite it? His glutes are a work of art. They need to be memorialized in marble, and I’ll be the first in line to bid for it, and spend every penny of my earnings buying it to keep it on my bed-stand.

Only, I don’t need to do that because he’s here, standing in front of me. The muscles of his forearms flex, his biceps tense, and the planes of his shoulders draw back as he swipes himself from crown to base. The wet sound of flesh hitting flesh fills the space. My mouth waters. My fingers tremble. Wetness squeezes out from between my legs as he continues to massage himself. His actions are vicious, almost violent, and there’s a strength to them I’d never be able to replicate. He swipes himself again, and a grunt leaves his lips. Jesus, that’s such a male sound—thick with pleasure, and filled with pain, and so much more I can’t put into words. His breath comes in pants, and his movements increase in intensity. His forearm almost blurs as he speeds up. His entire body shudders. A nerve throbs at his temple. He grits his teeth, and squeezes his eyes shut as he slams his forehead into the wall. He opens his mouth and moans my name. "Via," he gasps. "Gesu Cristo, Olivia, you’re killing me."

A whine bleeds from my lips. I slap my palm to my mouth, but he’s already whipped his head around in my direction.

"What the—" he growls. His gray eyes are almost blue… and I know it means he’s equal parts turned-on and angry-as-fuck—

"Don’t stop." I lower my arms to my sides. "Please, don’t stop."
