Page 5 of Order Up

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“Don’t fishermen use sleeping bags?”

Most of my guests don’t mind sleeping bags, but enough of them have expressed their gratitude for the upgraded option. “You want a sleeping bag? Because I’m not walking back to the plane to get one.”

“You have a sleeping bag and didn’t bring it? What if we were sleeping outside?”

I feel the heat of her furious gaze burning into my back, warning me I’m about to get caught. The chemistry in the cabin sizzles a little hotter. One fight. That’s all it’d take for clothes to get ripped and my cock to be shoved inside her tight pussy. I offer up a half truth, hoping to keep things calm. “I fly groups out here. I knew the cabins were close.”

“Convenient,” she says flatly.

With a fire going strong in the wood stove, I leave it for the only chair. The cushions are worn and torn in places, but it sure as hell beats the folding chairs that were here before. “You’d rather sleep outside?”

Willow lets out a sigh, and her shoulders slump. “No.”

I know her well enough to know something is on her mind. Something big. Hell, we’ve been together since we were fifteen. I know everything about her.Except I didn’t predict her jilting me at the altar.I resist the urge to coax the truth out of her and unlace my boots.

Willow slips beneath the covers, turning her back to me.

My eyes fall closed, but I don’t sleep. How the fuck could I? My cock is throbbing. It’s pissed at me for holding back.

My mind races with questions I’ve longed to ask—How long is she staying? What is her life like in California? Is there some undeserving asshole waiting for her back there?If I let Willow see how much I fucking care—how desperate I am to have her stay—I’ll lose her for good.


“Hmm?” I ask without opening my eyes.

“You can’t sleep in that old chair all night.”

“Bed’s too small.” Which is bullshit. A few years ago, that would’ve been the highlight. There’s plenty of room when two bodies are fused together as one.

“The hell it is.” The familiar feistiness causes my eyes to snap open. She’s staring at me, those brown eyes dangerous as ever with their mixture of annoyance and liquid heat. “Stop being a prude.”

“If I get in that bed, babe, aprudeis the last thing I’m going to be.” I’ll be buried inside her, making her scream with ecstasy. It’s all the bear protection we’d need. My half-hard cock stands at full attention. “Go to sleep.”

Several beats of silence pass before I hear her faint voice again. “Mason?”

I pretend to be asleep, letting exhaustion finally take over. It’s been a long fucking day with multiple flights. This was the last one. I was supposed to be home in my own bed. Too tired to wonder what Willow was doing in LA or if she was missing me. Not stranded with her, contemplating how to make her stay—for good.



“What was that?” I shoot up in bed at athunkagainst the cabin.

Mason is passed out in the corner chair. I get lost in studying his features and yearn to comb my fingers through his beard. To feel the bristled hairs rubbing against my inner thighs as his mouth performs miracles between my legs.

I shimmy out of my faux leather leggings, refusing to think this through. Sleeping with my ex wasnotpart of the plan. But does this count? If it’s just the two of us in one cabin and no one ever knows? Once upon a time, Mason loved being woken up to me naked in his lap.

Just as I’m pulling my shirt over my head, I hear it again—thunk—and scream.

Mason shoots up from his chair, immediately on his feet, and collides into me. It takes him a few seconds to shake the daze of sleep. His gaze lands on my lips and refuses to budge. A warm hand drops to my hip, and I shiver. How long have I craved his touch?

Anotherthunkand another squeal from me seems to tug him out of his lustful trance. His eyes ice over. “You woke me up.” He drags his gaze up and down, mutteringfuckwhen he notices my bare legs. “What the fuck, Willow? Did you think you were going to seduce me in my sleep?”

The words sting.

They should. I deserve it after what I did—what I have yet to apologize for. Which I’m totally going to do. In the morning. “I—”

