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“Dean, sit. Samson and I have something to speak to you about. Apparently you are really bad at answering any phone calls.”

I did as I was told. The atmosphere was suffocating. So much power in such a little room.

“Dean, it’s good to see you,” Barrett, the Crystal Canyon alpha said. No one called him by his name. He was more reserved, almost regal. Samson was more…approachable, but still fully in charge of his pack. “We have almost all the boards you need for your house. That’s the first thing I wanted to tell you.”

A brief relief took over my chest but was soon replaced by worry. I was now going to be building a house not only for me and Jillian but for her other two mates? I knew who Creek was, but at this point, I’d bet he was more welcome in her life than I was.

“Thank you, alpha. I don’t know when I’ll be able to work on the house.” I hadn’t even told Jillian, much less Shane, the house was going to happen. Or Creek. Hell, I didn’t even know what Creek looked like.

The alphas shared a look as Tristan came in. They included him in their silent communication before my alpha said, “Dean, it’s time you returned for good. Enough is enough. Jillian is important to our pack in ways you will probably never understand, ways I can’t explain to you just yet. But in the meantime, she’s miserable. Shane and Creek have been doubling up their workloads to compensate for you being gone, but that’s just the beginning of it.”

I shifted in my seat. I had no idea. I didn’t realize that once I left, someone would have to pick up the slack for me.

“What’s the rest of it?” I asked. Barrett had come here for a reason and clearly it wasn’t to tell me about boards or houses or the other mates of my mate.

That sounded weird.

“It’s time for you to take up your place in this pack. Jillian is miserable and honestly, I need her more secure. Build the house. Join in the others to help her stay safe. I have a dozen men on security in the woods around her and Magda’s homes, but I can’t spare them anymore. A female should be protected by her mates. She has three. Let’s make the most of those strong numbers.”

I sighed and looked at Tristan. He seemed to be the most empathetic of my situation and the most empathetic in general.

He shrugged one shoulder. “He has a point, Dean. Your mate’s life and security should be paramount despite whatever you’re going through. It has to be. That’s what we do as mates, as life partners. We protect each other. Yes, your time at Midnight Alder was needed, and you had to get your shit straight, but now you’re just dawdling. We loved having you there and would welcome you and your mate along with Shane and Creek”—subtle point he made there—” as visitors anytime, but you’re shirking your responsibilities. Sometimes we have to shove that ego aside and plow on, doing the best for our mate. Sometimes love requires ignoring our more human sides and embracing what the wolf knows is right. I bet yours is absolutely desperate to see Jillian. Tell me I’m wrong.”

The thing was, I couldn’t.

“Is she still in danger?” I asked my own alpha.

“I believe she is. I’m trying to handle things in the background, but it seems the ones who want her are relentless. You could change that, you and your…what do male mates call each other?”

Tristan laughed. “In my case, asshole.”

Samson punched him in the arm. “He’s not wrong. I don’t know that there is a word. And if my opinion matters, he’s right. Your place is here, Dean. And Tristan and I have agreed. You can’t come back to Midnight Alder without your mate. Stay here. Be a part of what obviously Fate has in store for you. Stop fighting it.”

Well, damn it.

A picture of Jillian formed in my head, and my wolf howled, deep, steady, and low inside me.

“One more week and I will go see her and begin to work on the house. I promise.”

The Crystal Cavern alpha nodded. “One week, Dean. I trust you will keep your word.”

I intended to.

If it killed me.

And it just might.

Chapter Eleven


Even if I’d wanted to wait, my wolf and my heart would not allow it. And even though I insisted we’d have to get used to all being together, Shane insisted on leaving overnight. Because, he said, the first time with Creek was like a wedding night and belonged specifically to the people who were involved.

When he stuffed a change of clothes and his shaving things into a bag, it all got real. “Need anything before I go?”

A kiss? A hug? A reprieve? Creek wouldn’t push me to do anything I didn’t want to, but Shane was a known quantity. A good, kind, loving mate. Dean was also loving, but he was more energetic, more likely to suggest trying something a little daring.

“Come here, mate.” Shane held out his arms and I flew into them and buried my face in his chest. He tipped my chin up and grazed my lips with a kiss. “You gonna be okay?”
