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“I don’t know. I thought things were going all right, except for everyone wanting to marry me. But I have so many great plans, I was distributing money to the citizens so they could rebuild their lives after our asshole uncle beggared them. And I’m planning a green power systems that will really move everyone forward.”

Her jaw dropped.That sounds amazing, Sis. You must be so proud. I’d never have been half as good at being queen. But you’ve really got things in hand.

I let out a sigh that started at my toes. “You’d think, right? In fact, I did think that. I was getting kind of a stiff neck from patting myself on the back. Then I learned about…” I hesitated because I wasn’t sure if this information should go out of the kingdom even to Jillian. Oh screw it. “What do you know about the dungeon?”

Her brow creased.What’s that? A nightclub? I didn’t think there was anything nearly as exciting as that anywhere in the kingdom. Is it new?

“No. I think it’s very old. The bars are thick with rust, the floors slippery with slime.” I swallowed the nausea the memory brought out. “And it’s packed, was packed with prisoners living in the very worst conditions you can imagine.”

Janis, how long have you known about this?

“Are you asking if I was aware all those years? You have to know I wasn’t.” Because if I had, what would that have made me? “I’d have found a way to act. At least I hope I would.”

No, I didn’t mean that.She shook her head, her hair flying around her face. You would for sure have fought for them and, the moment you got the power would have dealt with it.

“I just learned within the last few days. And I was horrified. A little research revealed that while there are some criminals, many are political prisoners. Can you believe that?”

Unfortunately, yes. Why didn’t I think of it? Bors must have had a ton of enemies, and killing them all is kind of messy, Jillian mused.Dang, I’m sorry, Janis. I should have been more help to you before I left. I’m sure our parents would be so proud of my stepping out of the world they helped expand, but for me to ignore the cries of all those people. I’m ashamed.

“Jillian!” What was she thinking? “How could you have done anything. You weren’t queen.”

And neither were you, Sister. Not really. But you are now, and I’m positive you’ve taken action. So…tell me everything.

And I did.

Chapter Twenty-Two

After a long four hours of hearings, I was informed I had exactly an hour before dinner. Of course no one could go in to dine until I did, and I never wanted the kitchen to have to try to keep everything warm while I dawdled, so I would be on time, but I needed that hour to collect my thoughts or rather, let my thoughts flow through me since there were too many of them to process all at one time.

“Hey, watch it, asshole!” I heard her loud and clear. A deepish voice for a woman. I tried not to read too much into the fact I seemed to be doing better with hearing. It had improved before, only to become worse without warning. All the healers told me I’d be deaf eventually. My best bet was to be prepared.

I’d stepped out into the gardens and right into a person who called me out for it. Her face when completely white as she realized who she was speaking to, and she bowed all the way to the floor when she came to her senses.

“Your Majesty, I apologize. I had no idea it was you. My mother always told me my mouth would get me in trouble, and here we are. I didn’t mean to. Please don’t chop my hair off. I’m too pretty to die.”

The words came out all strung together like a slurry of insanity, and I didn’t think it was because I missed any of them. While the situation would’ve probably gotten her in trouble with my uncle, it simply made me laugh.

“Oh…” She got up, but her green eyes were wide. “Please tell me that’s not the laugh you have right before you order someone to be…” She ran her pointer finger along the width of her neck.

“I’m not going to chop your head off. Or your hair, for whatever reason you thought I might. You just ran into me and actually talked to me like I’m anyone else. It’s hilarious, actually.”

We laughed together for a few moments but hers was hesitant, her expression a bit dubious as though she still wasn’t sure of her fate.

“What’s your name?” I waved her toward the nearest bench where we could talk in peace. I needed to get to know this girl. Maybe I could have a friend in this world other than my sister.

“Zenia, Your Majesty.” She waited for me to sit first, and I did, but hated the protocol. If someone needed to rest, then they should. Some of these rules were ridiculous. Like always backing out of the throne room after an audience to show respect. All it did was distract me when they stumbled over one another.

“Zenia. How is it that I haven’t seen you before? Are you present in court?”

“Can I be honest, Your Majesty?”

I put my hand on hers. “Of course, please, and in private you may call me Janis. Someone around here needs to stop being so formal with me. It drives me nuts, sometimes.”

“I hate court”—she cast a glance around, but nobody else happened to be in the section of garden where we sat at the moment—“Janis.”

Well, that was not formal at all. Her candor made me laugh hard.

“Well, I hate it, too, sometimes, but you should come. I could use someone who’s not so serious all the time.”
