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Chapter Two

I wore a new outfit to the school. Not wanting the children to be intimidated or frightened in the aftermath of Bors, the uncle who kept me locked up for almost my entire life. I intended to come off as relaxed, calm, and approachable.

Jeans and a boat-necked shit topped by a linen blazer did that, right? No crown. No fancy hair. Just me in a ponytail and regular clothes. Business casual I believed it was called on television.

“Your Majesty, it is lovely.” Candace stood back after freshening my makeup. “You look like a true modern woman.”

“Good. Because that is what I’m going for. I’m starting to realize, as queen, I am as much a businessperson as a tiara-wearing greeter of diplomats.” In fact, since I’d taken over the throne for real, I hadn’t had a single potentate visit. Those things had happened some when my uncle was regent, but I’d been so busy working on getting the kingdom out of the dark ages, I hadn’t had time for state dinners with dancing.

That would be nice, though, wouldn’t it?

To put on a lovely gown—not the fluffy ugly things previously chosen for me, all of which had been donated because Candace called it a waste to burn them—and a tiara and dance the night away with my mates? Then rip it all off and run through the forest as wolves. The best of all possible worlds.

When I had time.

But for today, I had a little girl waiting whose medical condition I didn’t know much about, only that she wanted to go to school with the rest of the kids and her loneliness was all too familiar.

At least she had her mother, and maybe a dad. I’d had Candace who was the one person who had kept me from feeling completely isolated in the past. But one person wasn’t enough. I wished I’d had lots of friends when I was little. A chance to study with others my age instead of being isolated in that damn tower.

Speaking of which, my suite was finally done, and I’d be giving it a final walk-through on my return. The tower had served its purpose in good and bad ways. Isolation and privacy, but now I was ready to be in my rightful place and sleep in a bed where whatever mate might join me wasn’t clinging to the edge of the narrow mattress for fear of landing on a hard stone floor.

We were quite a parade when we arrived at the village school, and someone had obviously let them know we were coming because the entire student body, faculty, and staff were lined up outside when pulled up.

I was cordial, giving them all a wave and a smile, but not pleased. “In the future,” I muttered to Leif who happened to be sitting next to me, “when we make a school visit, I would like to see everyone at their desks becoming educated rather than interrupted to greet me like this. Their learning time is valuable.”

My first advisor gave a nod and squeezed my hand. “Of course, Your Majesty. I will dictate a general notice but be tactful. ‘Her Majesty was delighted to receive such a warm welcome…but she felt terrible to inconvenience etcetera, etcetera.’”

“I can always count on you to know just what to say.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” I watched his lips move, still able to make out his deep tones, but knowing one day soon that would not be possible.Please let me remember, hear him and the others in my head if not through my ears.And I would be able to communicate mind to mind in wolf form. Somehow, when I was feeling sorry for myself, dreading the future, I always forgot that very important and reassuring fact.

Not everyone had that saving grace.

The driver opened the door, and we stepped out and, as the cars behind us were also emptied, the headmistress approached us. “Your Majesty, I—”

I held up a hand. “One moment please. I have a special guest with me.” Gina’s chair was being brought up. She and her mama had ridden with Leif, Gunnar, Arne and me in the extended-row SUV, but her chair had been in the car behind us.

“May I?” Gunnar, my least emotional mate, held out his arms for Gina.

Her mother straightened from where she’d been reaching for her daughter. “Thank you, sir.” The little girl was still light enough for her petite mother to lift, but what would happen when she was older?

My kingdom was made up of many people, every one of whom had their own challenges. Almost all of those who needed me never appeared in the audience chamber, and I was determined to learn how to be a better queen to everyone.

Gunnar set Gina in her chair. She rewarded him with a big smile and a kiss on the cheek that had his face flaming. One day, he’d be a great girl dad. I’d always pinned him for the kind who’d be more into boys, but seeing him talk with this little one for a moment, I realized daughters would have him wrapped around his little finger. Princesses. If the gods and goddesses were kind enough to bestow them on us.

“I believe we’re ready, Your Majesty.” Leif held out his arm, and I laid my hand on it. Together, trailed by my other mates, Gina, flanked by her mama and new admirer, and the others, we allowed the headmistress to introduce us to the faculty and make a little speech.

I followed up with the kind of greeting I’d learned to make on the fly, thanking them for the gracious welcome and urging everyone to go back inside and return to what they were doing before we’d interrupted their day. I wanted to tour the building with all the students in their places, to see what possibilities I saw for Gina’s education. If I did my job correctly, the headmistress would be of great help, possibly despite herself.

As the others all returned to the school building, I beckoned the headmistress aside. “I would love to have a look around once they are all settled?” Studying the face of the school administrator, I saw lines of care around her eyes, shadows beneath. I’d been ready to tackle her and demand she change how she did things, but now recognized how little I knew about the operation of a school.

Perhaps that was the way to reach my goal.

“May I appeal to your greater knowledge?” I asked when we stood alone, my entourage a few yards away. “I came here today to ask for your help with a problem.”

Some of the distrust and worry smoothed from her skin. “Of course, Your Majesty. But I am just the headmistress of a little village school. What can I possibly know that you don’t?”

I considered a moment. “Perhaps we could spend a few moments together in your office? Have a cup of tea? Just you and me.”
