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“I know what it is.”

Her gaze locked onto his. “Mine’s engraved with ‘World’s Best Girlfriend’ inside.”

“Is it?” he asked innocently. He turned back to his desk and retrieved something, then faced her again. He held an identical trophy cup in shiny, glittering gold, and he made a big show of examining every inch of the cup-slash-mug. “Huh. Mine doesn’t have that.”

“Blake,” she said, laughing.

He chuckled with her as he approached. “I told Holly to get trophies for the top three teams. That’s all.” He wrapped her in his arms, and Gina never wanted to be anywhere else.

“You just didn’t want Adam to sneak into your cabin in the middle of the night with shaving cream.”

“I know how to sweeten up my brother,” Blake said, grinning. “That’s not a crime.” He matched his mouth to hers, and Gina sank into the warmth and tenderness of his kiss.

“Some of us work here,” Becks called, and Gina broke the kiss by ducking and burying her face in Blake’s chest.

“Yeah, because I’ve never had to endure you kissing Luke,” he called back.

By the time Gina looked, Becks had disappeared either into her office or down the hall. She looked up at Blake and flattened his collar from where she’d gripped it in her fingers. “Starla said she’s making us a special lunch today.”

“Is she?”

“You are so bad at playing dumb,” Gina said.

Blake blinked innocently. “Am I?”

She laughed and ran her fingernails up the back of his neck. “My birthday lunch is going to be served at your house,” she said. “At noon sharp.”

“Perfect.” He kissed her again but didn’t carry on too long. “I’m bringing dinner to Ella’s tonight too. Did she spill the beans about that?”

“Unfortunately, all of your surprises have been spoiled,” Gina told him.

“Hmm,” he said with a frown. “I need better accomplices.”

She giggled and then gazed at him. “What kind of cake did you get me?”

“You don’t know yet?” He mimed zipping his lips. “I’m not telling then. It might be the only surprise you get today.”

“I don’t really like surprises,” she said.

“Don’t I know it.” He grinned at her. “Don’t worry, Gina. I know what you like, and you’re going to love the cake.”

“Do I have to wait until tonight to have it?”

“Guess you’ll find out,” he said as his desk phone rang again. He twisted that way with a sigh. “Okay, I have a billion things to get done before noon.” He released her and stepped away. “See you soon, sweetheart.”

“Yeah,” she said a little wistfully. She and Blake had won their round of cornhole a little over a week ago. Adam and Lowry had not been happy, but Holly and Sierra had chanted and danced for a good minute before Blake warned them to stop.

Gina had spent every afternoon and evening with him, either here at the ranch or at her parents’ place. Once, at her apartment while Ella went over to their mother’s with her family and a full dinner.

School would start soon, and then Ella would be back to teaching. Her kids would all be in school next year, and Gina had decided she could find more balance in her life. No one had gone to sit with Mama every evening until Ella had called Blake and laid on the guilt. She didn’t have to go every night, and she’d sat down with everyone who lived in town to make a schedule.

As she left Blake’s office, a sense of pure happiness filled her. Not the kind she’d experienced when she’d landed a top position in a luxury kitchen. Not the kind she’d felt when she’d graduated from college with her pastry arts degree. Not even the kind she’d felt when she’d told Blake she loved him and he’d repeated it back to her.

No, this joy felt fuller and more real. It filled her from top to bottom and front to back, because Gina was happy with herself. She wasn’t perfect, but she knew now that she could work on her flaws and make improvements, one day at a time.

That level of contentment and joy didn’t come from external sources; it came from within her, and as she entered the kitchen to finish her morning baking, she thanked the Lord for leading her back where she belonged.

Home, here in Chestnut Springs.
