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“Mm.” Laura finished with the lines and picked up the kite. “I don’t think the wind is coming back, and I actually am hungry now.”

“I’ll call my mom.” He pulled out his phone to do that, and Laura walked back to his cabin with him. Kyle didn’t protest about going to get the food, and Laura folded up her kite and put it back in the bag.

“I’d love to try flying that another time,” he said. “I could use some relaxation.”

She faced him, struck once again by his handsomeness. “I’d like that,” she said.

“If it’s a third strike, you won’t have to go out with me again.”

Laura smiled and shook her head. “We’re not goin’ out tonight, so technically, I think next time—ifit’s bad—will only be strike two.”

He chuckled, cutting off the sound only a moment later. He cocked his head as if listening for something, and Laura copied him. She heard the howling of the wind as it whipped around the corner of the cabin, and she shook her head in disbelief.

“That’swind. I’m cursed,” Todd said. “You might as well know it now. Get out while you can.”

“I wish you’d quit trying to convince me to leave,” she said, surprised at her own boldness. At the same time, she wasn’t. She’d had to be brave and bold for a lot of years in veterinary school.

Todd blinked at her, obviously surprised. She slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around the back of his neck. “I’m a big girl, Todd. If I want to leave, I’ll leave.”

“Okay,” he said simply.

“Do you dance?” she asked, starting to sway in front of him.

He put his hands on her waist and brought her closer, the scent of his cologne filling her nose and head and making her a little drunk. “I can,” he said. “A little.”

“Mm,” she said again, closing her eyes and leaning her head against his shoulder. Maybe the surprise was this dance and not the kite. She didn’t know. What she knew was this gentle swaying to the song of the wind was the absolute perfect end to a date that had gone wrong after wrong after wrong. “I like this,” she whispered.

“Me too,” Todd said in a throaty voice, and Laura hoped they would end every date with a slow dance, even if it only lasted for a few seconds.

She pulled back on her thoughts that had moved too far into the future and focused on just him right now. Moving with him. Listening to him breathe. The feel of his hair along her fingertips, and the weight of his hands on her waist.

Yes, this was simply perfect, and for the first time, a tiny piece of Laura truly felt like she wanted to be a part of this relationship and this ranch.

The cabin door opened, and Kyle walked in with, “Dinner’s here.”

Todd stepped away from Laura and went to help his brother. They pulled out barbecue, mashed potatoes, sweet pea salad, and then Todd opened the freezer and got out a carton of ice cream.

“Did she send brownies?”

“Right here, bro.” Kyle took them out of the bag last and set them with the rest of the food. “I’m going to go eat at the lodge.”

“Okay,” Todd said, already getting out bowls. He looked at Laura, his eyes lit from within. “Dessert first.” He put a brownie in the bowl and scooped a big dollop of vanilla ice cream on top of it.

He opened a drawer and picked something from it. A candle, which he stuck down into the ice cream.

“Todd,” she said, her heart beating against the cage she’d put it in so long ago.

“Happy birthday to you,” he started to sing, his voice smooth and rich and wonderful. He lit the candle and continued the song, having no idea that he’d just clipped the strings holding Laura’s heart inside her chest.

He finished the song and indicated the flame. “Make a wish and blow it out.”

She did, and he clapped for her. Then he dished himself a brownie and ice cream, got out two spoons, and handed her one.

“Thank you,” she said, taking the spoon and then throwing herself into his arms. She wouldn’t cry, and she told herself not to over and over and over again.

He held her tightly and whispered, “Of course,” again. “Like I said earlier, everyone deserves something, even if it’s small, on their birthday.”

She stroked her hands down the side of his face, her gaze landing on his mouth. “Thank you,” she said again, and she did the thing that felt the most natural to her.
