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“What do you like about it?” I ask, already making plans to make this happen for her. “The stone it’s made of?”

She shakes her head. “No. The size. Every girl’s dream is a tub that can hold enough water to cover her knees and boobs at the same time.”

I snicker, and she wiggles in my arms with her own quiet laugh.

“I never thanked you, Bren.”

“For what?” I ask.

“Everything. This trip. Last night. Pushing for time together. Bending so much to give us a chance. I know I’m difficult, and I’m not used to any of this, but I want you to know I appreciate everything.”

My heart soars at her recognition and because she is starting to use the word ‘us.’

“You’re welcome,” I say and rest my cheek on the top of her head, squeezing her tight in my arms.

Maybe, one day I’ll be enough for her.



When I open the door, Lola greets me on the other side. A basket full of cleaning supplies dangles from her hand. “Hello,” she says with a smile. “Just finished the bar. Need me to clean your apartment today?”

“Hi, Lola. Um, not this week, thanks.”

Lola drops her head.

“Lola, do you need the money?”

She shakes her head but won’t meet my eye. “No. Not really.”

I would offer to give her the money, but I already know this proud young woman would turn me down. She has to work for it. “Actually,” I say, “is Ileana in yet? I have to talk with her about a few things.”

“Yeah, she’s getting things ready for tonight.”

“Then yeah, it will be great if you clean the apartment while I’m out.”

The grin spreads across her face so wide, making me stifle a chuckle. I let her in and make my way to the bar. Ileana already has the lobby ready to go, and she is prepping garnish and stocking all the bar supplies we will need.

“Hey,” she says. “Lola kick you out?”

“Yeah,” I admit.

“Sorry. I tried to tell her she just cleaned your place last week, and you are a neat freak, so it for sure isn’t needed. Besides, you were gone most of the weekend. Speaking of, how was your trip?”

Ileana is talking a mile a minute. Though it isn’t early morning, it ismyearly morning since I get to bed late on most nights. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I think about what to answer first. “I haven’t had my coffee yet, Ileana. You’re going to need to slow down.”

“Sorry. I’ll make you some.”

While she makes the coffee, she continues to interrogate me about my trip to Napa. I tell her everything, only leaving out the intimate details. Finn’s visit is also carefully left out of any anecdotes I share with her. Those memories are for me and me alone.

The coffee’s aroma wafts through the bar, and Ileana props her elbows on the counter dreamily. “That sounds amazing. I’d like to go there sometime.”

“It’s beautiful,” I admit. “I’m sure Lola would be happy to babysit if you wanted to go for a weekend.”

Ileana throws her head back with laughter. “Right. A romantic getaway for one? No thanks. I couldn’t think of anything more depressing.”

She hands me my coffee, and I sip on it, letting the brew wake me back to the land of the living.
