Page 28 of The D Appointment

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I pushed past her and her latest boyfriend to the back, where my brother’s room was. Knocking, I said, “Spence, it’s me,” as I turned the knob and slipped inside.

The room was dark, but there was enough light for me to see my brother in his bed.

“Dammit, Spencer, you had me worried when you didn’t show up this morning.”

He didn’t move, so I went to the bedside and shook him awake.

Spencer immediately winced and hissed before rolling onto his back.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He blinked up at me. “Dom?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“What are you doing here?”

“We were supposed to play basketball this morning, but you didn’t show. And your phone’s dead or turned off.”

“Sorry. I’ll call you later.”

I frowned. Spencer was acting odd.

“I’m here, so why don’t I take you to breakfast? I’m sure Marjorie has nothing good out there, waiting for you.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“What is up with you?” I went over to the window and yanked the string on the blinds down, and then I marched back over to my brother. “Look at me.”

He slowly met my eyes, and once he did, I noticed his pupils were still dilated despite the brightness.

I’d always dreaded this day, but I’d had high hopes it wouldn’t come. “What the fuck did you take?”


“Don’t fucking lie to me.What are you on?”

He looked away. “Oxy.”

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “Spence. What were you thinking?” Slicing my hand through the air, I said, “Never mind.” I knew what he had probably been thinking. He’d probably been thinking that if his mom was doing drugs, he might as well be too.

Been there, done that.

I threw back the covers. “Get up.” I grabbed on to his arm to help him up.

“Ow,” he yelled.

I dropped his hand like it was on fire and studied my brother. He rolled away from me as he cried in pain.

Suddenly, I had a whole new take on the situation.

“Spencer, I’m going to ask you one question, and I want an honest answer.”

“Okay,” he muttered.

“Did you take the oxy because you’re in pain?”

