Page 19 of Requiem

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“Uhh…” Sebastian sounds confused. “Is this…uh, is she your choice, man?” he asks.

Theo’s eyes spear me through, pinning me to the spot. If he so much as nods his head right now, I will knock this motherfucker out where he stands. I will not have his hands on me. I will not tolerate his—

Bitter laughter erupts from him, loud, full of disdain. “No, man. Don’t be fucking stupid.” He snatches the bottle from me, spins around and launches it into the fire.

“Then make up your mind!” Seb demands.

Theo runs his tongue over his teeth, looking down the line of girls again. He’s looking at me again when he says, “None of them are hot enough to fuck. I’m out.”

Beth takes a step forward, her mouth hanging open. “But…”

Theo’s face is a mask of contempt as he turns to her. “Butwhat,Johnson?”

The girl pales. As much as I detest her, I almost feel bad for her as she steps back in line. “Nothing.”

“That’s what I thought.” Theo pivots, turning his back to the line-up. I watch him walk away. Black t-shirt, black hair, black jeans. The guy is made out of darkness. It’s no surprise that he melts into the night, disappearing after only six or seven paces.

Sebastian looks like he’s about to implode, looks like he has a thousand curse words dancing on the tip of his tongue, right behind his gritted teeth, but rather than reaming Theo out, he exhales sharply and plasters a mocking smile on his face. “Merchant wants to ruin our fun again. No surprises there. It’s fine, though. It’s fine. Whatever. If he can’t be a man and get the job done, then I guessI’lljust have to do it.”

His statement elicits a variety of reactions, ranging from surprise and annoyance from some of Toussaint’s students, to giddy excitement from a couple of the girls.

Seb steps forward and takes Theo’s place. He doesn’t waste time walking up and down the line like Theo did. He immediately takes Ash by the hand and tugs her forward. Ash’s eyes go wide, shock rippling across her face as he pulls her to him.

Beth lets out a cold bark of laughter. “Yeah, Ashley! You’re finally gonna get laid!”

“I—I can’t!” Ash says. “I—” She looks back at Beth, shaking her head.

“You’re gonna forfeit?” Sebastian asks.

“No! She’s not forfeiting,” Beth says.

Next to me, Jess sighs so quietly that only I can hear her. “If she forfeits…” she whispers. She doesn’t finish the sentence, though.

“What? What happens if she forfeits?”

“They’ll never let her live it down. She’ll spend the rest of the year being mocked and ridiculed.”

“So…that’s what they’re gonna do to Theo now?”

Jess shrugs noncommittally. “I guess?”

The light from the fire twists and shifts, casting ugly shadows across Sebastian’s features as he narrows his eyes at Ashley. “What’s it gonna be, Ash? Wanna have some fun, or are you chicken shit like Merchant?”

“I—I—” Ashley takes one last look at Beth, who guns her friend down with a murderous glare.

“You embarrass yourself and you embarrass me,” Beth hisses. “It’s just a dumb challenge. It doesn’t mean anything.”

Awkwardly, Ashley winds an arm around Sebastian’s waist, smiling. “I’m no chicken shit. I’m down. But…got any more of that tequila?”

Sebastian’s smile grows. He palms Ashley’s ass through her short skirt, nuzzling his face into her neck. “Sure thing, baby. Follow me.”

I can’t imagine what the students at this wretched school could do to Ashley over the course of the next year that could possibly be worse than letting this smug bastard fuck her in front of everyone. Ashley probably has some idea, though, and she’s willing to participate in this ritual rather than face the consequences.

Things unravel quickly. Seb hands Ash a new bottle of tequila, and she drinks, swallowing down four massive mouthfuls before handing it back to him. Dutch Courage. As soon as Seb has relieved her of the bottle, he passes it off to one of his friends and falls on Ash like a demon. His mouth crashes down onto hers, and a roar fills my ears. Toussaint’s senior year class lose their ever-loving minds.

Ash melts into him like a good girl. As Sebastian’s hands rove aggressively all over her body, she comes apart, curving into him, smiling against his open mouth as he flicks at her top lip with his tongue. Suddenly, she doesn’t look so hesitant anymore.

A wave of nausea rolls over me.
