Page 56 of Requiem

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Setting his glass down, Theo takes mine from me and refills it. We do another shot, and the harshness of the tequila isn’t so bad the second time around. I’m so on edge that I’d accept a third one from him if he poured it, but when he takes my glass from me this time, he sets it down on his desk along with his and pushes them off to one side. Probably for the best.

From there, he just looks at me, eyes searching my face, his brow pinched into worry lines. Doesn’t say a word.

“Okay then. Here we are,”Isay, because one of us has to say something. “Where do you plan on starting? ’Cause I have a lot of questions.”

Theo’s frown deepens, carving deep grooves into his forehead. He sits forward, blowing out a deep breath, scrubbing his hands over his face. “I don’t know. I’m not sure where to start. Honestly, I don’t know if this is even a good idea. It’s probably isn’t. Itdefinitelyisn’t.”

“You’d better not change your mind and spin me some bullshit now, Theodore William Merchant.”

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, a little amusement replacing his troubled expression. “Full name treatment, huh? Some things never change.”

“What’sthatsupposed to mean?”

He laughs again, shaking his head. “Nothing. Just stop looking so pissed off for one second and just relax, okay? I need a moment to figure this out.”

I’m not feeling very benevolent. Or patient. I give him a beat to collect himself, though, because he really does look like he’s thinking deeply, trying to find the solution to a very complex problem. Eventually, he says, “There’s only one way to do this.”

“And that is?”

“I need to rip off the Band-Aid.”

“Sounds like a great idea. Get on with it.” I swear if he keeps me waiting any longer, I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.

Reluctantly, Theo gets up from his chair. He’s going to come lie on the bed with me? He’s going to pull me to him? What the hell is hedoing?

“I hope you’re ready for this,” he whispers.And takes off his t-shirt. The white fabric falls to the ground, and Theo brushes a hand through his hair, sweeping it back out of the way again. He stands before me, naked from the waist up, and my breath seizes in my lungs. He’s a thing of beauty.

His chest is a wall of muscle, his abs sculpted flawlessly. Twin grooves dip over his hips, forming a deep vee that disappears below the waistband of his sweatpants. His skin, smooth and bearing the remnants of a tan, is so fucking perfect that I can’t help but want to reach out and touch him.

Spanning his chest, rising up his neck, the ink I’ve only caught glimpses of until now fans out across his pecs, intricate and intriguing. An elaborate sun has been etched into the very center of his chest, spears of linework bursting from its center, creating its rays. Amongst those, wildflowers, and roses, and bees, and hummingbirds all slot together to create the most detailed, stunning piece of art I’ve ever seen on a person’s body. The tops of his shoulders are inked, too—on the left, a compass, the arrow pointing north. On the right, another design that looks almost like a compass too, though this one is surrounded by what look like…runes? And then down his chest, below the sun, down the left-hand side of his ribcage, delicate script work—

I halt my inspection of him, looking up at him, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing.


Girls’ names.

Four of them.

The last of which reads:Rachel.

“What the hell is this?”


“No, Theo. What the hellisthis? You think you’re going to make me despise you any less by showing me a list of your past conquest’s names tattooed onto your body? What the fuck?”

“Sorrell,” he says pleadingly.

“You should have made the script a little smaller, asshole. You’re gonna run out of room before you finish freshman year of college.”

I go to grab my bag, but I didn’t bring one. I snatch up my sweatshirt and put it on, angrily thrusting my arms into it, wrenching it on over my head. I’m not cold, but I need todosomething. I—I need to get the fuck away from him. This doesn’t make any sense.

Theo grabs my wrist as I head for the door. “You said you wanted the truth, so let me tell you the fucking truth!”

I wheel on him, ripping free of his grip, my heart kicking against the cage of my ribs. It feels as though it’s trying to bust its way out of me. “I was an idiot to come here, thinking you’d do the right thing. Give me an honest answer to my questions. But no. You’re still playing fucking games with me, aren’t you? You’re still…you’re trying tohurtme!”

Devastation leaves a bleak trail across Theo’s face. He clasps his hands around the back of his neck, lacing his fingers together there. “I’m not playing games,” he whispers.
