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He stared after her until she passed the sheriff’s office on the other side of the street, and he noticed Woodson standing on the porch, watching him. They stared at each other for a second. Then Woodson pulled the pocket watch from his vest, looked at it, and sent a cold grin Adam’s way.

Yeah, yeah. Tick tock. Time was running out.

He dumped the nails he was holding into the bucket and turned on his heel toward the tavern. Maybe Reggie could find some work for him right away.

Time—and Woodson—waited for no man. Particularly him.

Chapter Ten

Nora loaded her basket into the back of the wagon and turned to thank Martha, but the young woman was busy smiling in the direction of Doc, who’d come out to chat with the sheriff across the street.

“How are things going with you two?” she asked her.

Martha blushed prettily. “Good. I think.”

Nora tilted her head, trying to read her friend’s expression. “You could always marry one of the newcomers if you don’t think it will work out with him.”

“I suppose. Though…” Martha shrugged and then glanced behind her before leaning closer. “I don’t want to marry just anyone. And Harrison is…well.” She blushed again.

Nora nodded. Doc was indeed blush-worthy.

Martha sighed. “I don’t think he’s quite ready for marriage. In fact, if it hadn’t been for the Town Council’s new rules, I don’t think he’d have expressed an interest in me. Not yet anyway. But with all the newcomers needing wives by the end of the month…”

“Ah,” Nora said, pursing her lips. “You’re worried that his hand was a bit forced, unless he wanted to watch you get snapped up by someone else.”

“Yes. And while I’m glad we are finally courting, I don’t want it to be just because he didn’t have any other option.”

“Understandable. Though truly,” Nora said, leaning in with a conspiratorial smile, “the man has been making eyes at you for months. Longer even.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

Martha chewed her bottom lip, her gaze straying back over to where the handsome doctor laughed at something the sheriff said. “I hope you’re right. I’ve always been afraid…”

“Of what?” Nora prompted when her friend paused.

Martha let out a long sigh. “That I’m just some sort of consolation prize now that he can’t have Mercy.”

“Oh, Martha, no,” she hurried to reassure her. “He may have been interested in her once, but that was years ago. You are no one’s consolation prize.”

The hesitant smile that pulled at Martha’s lips grew stronger when Doc caught sight of her. He tipped his hat with a slow grin that had Nora feeling like she should turn away and give them some privacy.

She laughed. “That man is definitely interested in you.”

Martha ducked her head, her brilliant smile warming Nora’s heart.

Then Martha sighed again. “Truth be told, even if he proposed tomorrow, I’m not sure how it would work. It’s difficult, with my grandparents…”

“Ah,” Nora said, nodding. Martha ran the general store with her grandparents and presumably, if she married, she’d leave the nest. Nora saw her dilemma. Her grandparents definitely relied on their granddaughter.

“There probably aren’t many men who’d want to move in with his wife’s elderly grandparents and run their business. Harrison already has his practice, so he wouldn’t be able to help with the store. And while I don’t think he’d object to me continuing to work here, it might be difficult if we had children.”

“Doc might not be able to help much at the store with the responsibilities he has with his patients. But if you were married, you’d be close enough to help care for your grandparents still. And I’m sure you’d be able to work out something that would allow you to keep helping at the store and be a wife and mother as well.”

Martha let out a wistful sigh. “I hope so. I do like him,” she added, her cheeks pinkening again. She tore her gaze from Doc and turned back to Nora.

“And what of you? Any luck getting that husband of yours to admit you’re married?”
