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He didn’t know what his face looked like, but Mr. Schumacher’s drained of all color, then flashed bright red the moment he saw him.

“What’s happened? What did you see? Nora…”

“Spurlock has her,” Adam ground out.

“What?” Schumacher lurched forward, and Adam grabbed his arm. “I need to go get my daughter. I know I’m a sorry excuse for a father, but I’m not going to just sit here while some criminal has her.”

Something had definitely changed in Schumacher since Adam had won that deed from him. Maybe it was losing everything in that poker game that shocked some sense into him or finding himself left for dead in a ditch. Or maybe the threat of truly losing the last person on earth he loved and who loved him. Or hell, a combination of everything, Adam didn’t care. He was glad, for Nora’s sake, thatsomethinghad changed. Whatever it was, Adam just hoped it was permanent.

But for the moment, he needed Schumacher clear and focused. Not charging in half-cocked.

“We’re going to get her, but we’ve got to be smart about it. I’ve got a plan, so you need to sober up quick. I need your help.”

Schumacher dragged in a ragged breath, his eyes wild, but he finally nodded.

“Good,” Adam said, grabbing Barnaby’s reins. “Now, I need you to go to the south wall of the barn. There’s a knot in the wood there where you can watch, keep an eye on her. I’m going to go in and get Spurlock to follow me.”

“What’s going to keep the man from just shooting both of you? Or killing her and riding off with you?”

“I’m the only one he wants. Killing her serves no purpose, especially if he thinks she doesn’t mean anything to me.”

Schumacher’s face turned thunderous at that. “And does she?”

Adam met his gaze, fury and fear and frustration tearing him to pieces from the inside out. “She means everything,” he said, biting out the words. He closed his eyes briefly, using every ounce of willpower he had to bring himself back under control. He wouldn’t do Nora any good if he lost it. “But Spurlock can’t know that.”

Schumacher watched him for a moment and then slowly nodded. “All right. I’ll keep watch.”

Adam let out the breath that burned in his lungs. “Good. Good. All right.” He took Barnaby’s reins again and then pulled a paper out of his pocket, handing it to Schumacher. “Give this to Nora.”

Schumacher nodded, putting it in his pocket without looking at it. “What are you going to do?”

“Draw him out. He should follow a few moments after I leave. If he doesn’t, you go in and make sure he follows me. I don’t care what you have to tell him. Just get him out of there.”

“And if I can’t? If he doesn’t listen?”

Adam pulled one of his guns and slapped it into Schumacher’s hand. “Then shoot him. Tell everyone I did it. I’m already a wanted man. I can take the blame for one more death.”

Schumacher’s eyes widened, but he pinched his lips together and just nodded.

Adam nodded back. And then went to save his love. Even though he’d have to destroy her to do it.

He could only pray one day she’d forgive him.

Chapter Thirty-Three

The pounding in her head dragged her out of the darkness. The moment she tried to crack an eye open, she wished she could slip back under. Her head seemed too heavy for her neck to lift, but she worked at it a few minutes and finally got it upright. She needed water. The desert her mouth had become tasted like copper, and her tongue seemed too large for her mouth.

Of more concern was the fact that she couldn’t lift her arms. It took a few seconds to register the ropes that bound her hands to the chair. Still not an ideal situation but decidedly better than paralysis or missing limbs.

After a few minutes of blinking and stretching, she finally got everything not tied down in relative working order. Though she was still in desperate need of a drink.

“There you are. I was beginning to think you’d never wake up.”

Nora’s head jerked up at the unfamiliar voice, and she groaned at the sharp, stabbing pain that splintered through the back of her head.

“Careful. Might want to keep your movements minimal for a few days.”

Nora glared at him. He didn’t need to introduce himself. She knew exactly who he was and why he wanted her.
