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Adam gripped her thighs and lifted, wrapping her legs around his waist. Nora held on tight to his shoulders, laughing.

“What are you doing?”

He turned, heading for their bedroom. “You agreed to marry me. It’s only fair that we have a wedding night.”

“Except you’re supposed to have a wedding before you have a wedding night.”

He kicked open the door to their room but didn’t put her down. “We sort of had a wedding. Just because we didn’t realize it doesn’t mean it doesn’t count.”

Her jaw dropped. “You’ve been arguing the exact opposite for a month now.”

“Well, yes, but arguingforit is more to my advantage now.”

He dropped her to the bed and tugged off her boots. And then her pants.

She laughed but made no move to stop him. He made quick work of her clothing and even quicker work of his own. But he didn’t touch her right away. Instead, he stood over her and sucked in a shuddering breath.

“My God, woman. Do you have any idea how incredibly beautiful you are?”

He shook his head and swallowed hard, his eyes shining so brightly as he looked at her that she had to fight back tears of her own.

When he finally came to her, moved over her, in her, she wrapped her body around him, and he held her close. They showed each other without words what they meant to each other. Illustrated with every kiss, every caress, every stroke, that they belonged to each other, heart and soul, from that moment on.

And when that overwhelming, undying pleasure swept them both away, they stayed locked in each other’s arms.

Nora pressed her forehead to Adam’s neck. “Husband,” she murmured, her body trembling against his.

“Wife,” he said, lifting her face. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple and sighed against her skin. “My darling wife. I love you so much.”

She smiled up at him, her soul singing. “I love you, too.”

Nora and Adam stood in front of the Town Council, awaiting their verdict. It was the last day of the month. Time was up.

The sheriff leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and pinning Adam with his sternest look. Though the effect was a bit ruined by the smiles from everyone else at the table.

“Time’s up, Brady. Do you have a permanent job yet? Because if I’m not mistaken, nearly everyone in town has fired you. Some of them more than once.”

“Gray. Really?” Mercy said. “We just broke a dozen laws to rescue him and bring him back here. You wouldn’t really make him leave.” She frowned, scrutinizing her husband. “I don’t think.”

The sheriff shrugged. “Rules are rules. Everyone else has to follow them.” He turned back to Adam. “So?”

Sunshine cleared his throat, and the sheriff glanced over at him. “Don’t you dare say it.”

Sunshine just grinned. “Sorry, Sheriff. But he’s done really well. He’s completed every task I’ve given him and shown a great aptitude for the work. I think he’ll make a fine assistant deputy.”

The sheriff closed his eyes and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sweet lord in heaven, help me. Whatever did I do to be cursed with your presence?”

Everyone laughed, and Mercy bumped his shoulder with hers. “I thought you forgave him for…all that past stuff,” she said, waggling her fingers.

The sheriff sighed. “I did. That doesn’t mean I want to spend every day working with him.”

Nora smiled, and Adam laughed. “Sorry, Sheriff. I did try to get fired, but Sunshine there just wouldn’t take the bait.”

The sheriff glared at his deputy. “Really? Everyone else managed to make his employment so despicably hard he’d have quit if he hadn’t gone and gotten himself fired. But you somehow can’t manage to get rid of him?”

Sunshine just shrugged with that infectious grin of his. “I’d say sorry but…”
