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We continue eating in silence for a while, a relaxed calmness settling between us. Eventually though, I find myself asking her about one of the guys from earlier today, unable to control my curiosity over just what his deal is with her.

“So, this Tommy guy,” I start and Lulu immediately starts laughing.

“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re jealous,” she says, shaking her head at me.

I shrug, feigning nonchalance. “Just wondering what his story is, that’s all. He seemed to get his panties in a wad about me being over at your house.”

Lulu grins at me and I can tell she loves the idea of me being annoyed by all of this. Shrugging, she says, “He’s just a little protective, that’s all.”

“Protective of what?” I ask. “Of you from me?”

Lu bursts out laughing as she reaches for the packet of Tim Tams. “Youarejealous!”

I shake my head. “No I’m not,” I say even though the tone of my voice clearly indicates I am. “Just wondered that’s all. Did you guys used to date or something?”

Lu swipes under her eyes, as though this whole thing is hilarious to her. “No, Jack, we did not,” she says. “I don’t mix business with pleasure,” she adds, giving me a pointed look.

I’m not sure what she’s referring to, but I smile as I meet her stare and say, “First time for everything, Lulu.”

“I mean it, Jack,” she says. “Stay away from Penny.”

Now it’s me laughing as I shake my head at her. “Now who’s jealous?!”

“No,” she says, her voice stern. “It’s called being professional,” she adds.

I chuckle, reaching over and grabbing her hand and threading our fingers together. “Like I said, Lulu, you’re the one I like to flirt with,” I say, winking.

Lulu lets out a long breath, her hand curling into a fist in mine before she eventually pulls it away. “The same rule applies, Jack,” she says.

“Um hm,” I murmur, resting my chin on my hand, elbow propped on the bench. “Well, you should know, I do like a challenge.”

After dinner, we spend a couple of hours watching mindless TV together as we finish off the wine and the entire packet of Tim Tams. Eventually though, I realize I’m going to have to make a move, so I push up off the couch, before reaching for her hand and pulling her up too.

Before she has a chance to protest, I pull her into a tight hug, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

“Thanks for a great night, Lulu,” I whisper, my mouth at her ear. I feel her body sag against mine, even as her hands remain in tight fists between us on my chest. Smiling, I can’t resist adding, “See how much fun it can be, hanging out together?” Before kissing her on the cheek and releasing her.

She stares up at me, her cheeks flushed as I grin down at her, brushing my fingers against her bare shoulder. Before she has a chance to tell me off, I add, “Goodnight,” before turning and walking out of her house.

My good mood evaporates quickly though, the second I get inside and glance at my laptop, sitting open on the dining table.

My email is open and there are several new ones sitting in my inbox. Most of them are from Melissa with subject headings likeWhere are you?andPlease call me!One of them even saysI went past your house…what the hell’s going on Jack?

Sighing, I delete all of them without bothering to open or read them. I don’t give a shit what she has to say to me, just like I’m not interested in telling her where I am either. She lost all right to that information a long time ago.

There’s another email from Matt too, asking pretty much the same thing, which I also delete.

The pair of them can go to hell, I think, as I contemplate grabbing another bottle of wine and heading back over to Lu’s house.

But I don’t, knowing I have no desire to explain all of this to her right now, regardless of how much I might want to hang out with her. So instead, I head to my room, strip off my clothes and climb into bed.

As I lie there, staring up the ceiling though, I can’t help but smile as I forget about all the shit going on back home and think back to Lu’s words;I don’t mix business with pleasureand how much fun I’m going to have convincing her that she should.

The next day, I’m lying under the crusher when I hear Lulu shout, “Jack?”

“In here,” I reply, without moving. I’m on my back underneath the huge machine, both hands on a wrench as I attempt to loosen the pump tap, which is probably clogged with so much shit I’m going to spend the whole afternoon cleaning it out.

I’m not sure which brainiac though jamming a broken crusher with more fruit was a good idea, but if Lulu doesn’t have words with them, I sure as fuck will.
