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I glance over, see him staring at us, arms crossed over his chest. When I turn back to Lu though, her eyes are still on me, watching.

Knowing this isn’t the right moment, I grin as I lean down and put my mouth against her ear. “That hot accent,” I whisper, my eyes closing as I breathe in the scent of her. “You should hear me talk dirty in it.”

And then before I give in and do all the things I’ve only dreamed about, I let go of her hand, turn and give Oscar a wave, before heading inside my house.

Chapter Ten


He’s growing on me.

Or maybe he’s just always had a place in my heart.

I’m still smiling as Jack walks away and with Oscar looking up at me, I’m beginning to wonder if these kids are catching on.

They seem to have impeccable timing, but maybe that’s good. It’s keeping me from jumping into something with Jack that I might not be ready for.

“Where’ve you been?” Oscar asks, his excitement about seeing me has now turned accusing. He narrows his eyes and waits for my answer.

“Why?” I ask, teasing him as I mimic his face back.

“Ollie tells me you’ve got some old grapes you need to throw away.”

“Ollie?” I question, my nose wrinkling up as I cock an eyebrow at him. “Who’s Ollie and why are they worried about my old grapes.”

Oscar lets out a long sigh, his annoyance with my questioning wearing thin.

“Olivia,” he replies like I’m a total idiot for even asking. “Jack calls her Ollie so now I call her Ollie.”

“Should’ve known,” I mutter in mock annoyance, but I’m anything but bothered. I love that Jack has taken an active interest in them. They’re probably the coolest kids I’ve ever met and I’m loving that he’s noticed too.

“So…” Oscar leads waiting for me to tell him he and Olivia can have my old grapes.

“Let’s go,” I say, holding out my fist and he bumps his against it and then screams for Olivia as he runs for the shed.

The two of them are impatiently waiting for my slow ass to arrive in the shed and they act like they’ve been there for a decade. As soon as Olivia sees me, she begins jumping up and down and screaming.

I’m laughing before I even reach them, because the last time we did this, they swore it was the best day of their lives.

It’s not often that we waste grapes or that I have the time to stop and fuck around with them, but today seems like a great day for it. I can’t remember the last time I just stopped and enjoyed the day.

My lunch with Jack was the perfect start, and now I’ll end my day having a grape war with the kiddos.

I walk into the shed and Olivia and Oscar are gathered by the buckets of grapes, but when I take in what’s there, I could’ve sworn we had more than just four buckets full.

The amount of grapes that came out of that machine was insane; a total waste and I recall feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of throwing them all away. I know they were going out into our compost areas, but I didn’t realize Tommy had worked so quickly clearing the place out. He had a ton of other stuff on his plate this week.

“Okay, grab a bucket,” I say to the two of them and they both examine the buckets trying to decide which one has the most. Because like everything in their lives, they want more than the other one and that’s when the argument ensues.

“I want that one!” Olivia shrieks, her hand clutching the handle of the bucket and Oscar practically throws his entire body on top of the same bucket.

“It’s mine,” Oscar hisses at her, and as frustrating as their arguing can be, it’s also comical. They can go from best friends to worst enemies in no time flat.

“There are three other buckets,” I say, knowing it doesn’t matter and that all logical reasoning has been thrown out the window. “Come on, guys. We aren’t going to be able to do this if you can’t…”

No one is listening to me and the arguing has kicked into high gear with Olivia now screeching at the top of her lungs as the fake tears pour down her cheeks.

It’s her go-to when she wants to win, but Oscar is immune to it now and he has no qualms about using brute force to get his way.
