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But maybe their hearts are stronger than mine.

“Well, that was interesting,” Jack says, chuckling a little as he slips his arm around my waist. “Those kids don’t miss a thing, do they?”

“Nope, they don’t. They’re like little detectives, but evil ones. They store up information and drop it when you least expect it.”

We’re both laughing as we make our way over to the couch with Jack sitting down and me lying down and resting my head in his lap.

“I’m pretty sure they all know we’re hooking up now after your elaborate story about Australian’s greeting people with kisses.”

“Is that all we’re doing here, Lu? Hooking up?” Jack questions, but there’s something in his words that suggest that he’s not okay with that label.

“I don’t know, Jack. Is it?” I ask, turning the question back to him as I sit up so I’m facing him now.

He can’t possibly think this will materialize into anything more, even if that’s exactly what I want it to do. I’m logical enough to know that the Pacific Ocean is a pretty big wall that will set itself up right in the middle of our relationship.

I straddle Jack’s hips so I’m now face to face with him. His hands slide over my thighs and up to my waist.

“I like having you here with me,” I admit, but I can’t bring myself to ask him to stay.

Chapter Seventeen


“I like being here with you, Lu,” I stay, staring up at her. “This is more than just hooking up for me. You know that right?”

Lu nods, her bottom lip between her teeth as she stares down at me. “It is for me too,” she whispers.

My fingers at her waist slip under her shirt, grazing her warm skin. “But you’re still holding something back,” I say, not taking my eyes off her. “Like you’re scared or something.”

Lu exhales, her hands resting on my chest now. “I just don’t see how this can work,” she says, looking down. “Not when you live in Australia and I live here.”

I sit up a little, so we are closer. Close enough for me to press a kiss against her lips. “But I’m here now,” I whisper.

Lu’s forehead rests against mine, her eyes closed. “But for how long?” she asks.

I brush my lips against hers again. “For as long as you want me here,” I admit, even though I know it’s not as easy or simple as that. I have commitments and obligations back home, a house and a heap of shit I can’t just walk away from, even if none of it seems important right now. “I meant what I said, Lu,” I continue, needing to get this all out. “I’ve wanted you since we were kids and nothing about that has changed. It’s only gotten stronger and if I had one regret it would be that I didn’t do something sooner.”

“Jack,” she whispers, pressing her mouth against mine in a hard kiss.

I groan, deepening the kiss as my tongue slips between her lips, my arms pulling her closer against me. Lu’s arms slide around my neck now, holding me close as she straddles my lap and feels everything this is doing to me.

“You gonna finish what you started this morning?” I whisper between kisses.

“Mmmm,” she murmurs, hands sliding down my body as she lifts my t-shirt over my head and throws it on the floor. Her hands move to my jeans next, unbuttoning them quickly before she awkwardly shoves them down my hips.

I lower my hands, sliding them up her legs and under her skirt this time, my thumbs grazing the soft skin of her thighs.

“Lu,” I whisper, kissing my way along her jaw. “I know this is kinda a little too late, but I have condoms in my pocket.” I don’t know why I say this, especially after all the times we were together last night without ever using them. In the cold light of day, it had seemed like a dick move on my part though, to not even consider asking her if she wanted me to wear one. To not just stop and put one on anyway. At the time, everything between us had just seemed too intense, too wild and hot for either of us to stop and ask.

Lu’s head falls back even as she laughs a little. “I’d say it’s very late actually,” she says, smoothing her hands down my chest and sending a shiver all through me. “But it’s okay, I’m on the pill.”

I exhale against her neck, sucking at her pulse. “I’m, you know…clean.”

She nods, lifting her head and finding my mouth with hers. “I know, I trust you, Jack,” she whispers as her hands trail down my stomach to my boxers.

I lift my hips this time as she pushes them down, her hands moving to my dick, fingers circling around it as she slowly starts to stroke me.

“Fuck,” I whisper, sliding my hands higher where I brush my fingers lightly against her panties before pulling them to the side, my finger brushing against her and making her moan. Slipping one hand round to her hip, I urge her up before slowly lowering her onto me, both of us groaning as I bury myself deep inside her.

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