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“I know,” she says. “Just be kind to her, okay? She’s been through a lot.”

Our eyes meet but Ellen goes no further and as much as I want to ask, I don’t, certain she’s not going to tell me anyway. “I will,” I say instead. “I’m not fucking about here.”

Ellen nods. “So,” she continues, her eyes never leaving mine because clearly, this isn’t over yet. “What does this mean long-term?”

I shrug, trying for casual, as though the fact I live in Australia is somehow no big deal in all of this. “I don’t know yet,” I admit. “We haven’t worked out the logistics.”

“You know she’ll never leave this place, don’t you?”

I stare back at Ellen, wondering if she too doubts my intentions or the intensity of my feelings for her sister. I wasn’t lying when I told Lu I wouldn’t leave her, but I’d be lying now if I said I had everything worked out for how this whole thing was going to work.

I don’t and to be honest, I’m not sure I even know where to begin with any of it.

“I know, Ellen,” I say, running a hand through my hair. “I don’t have all the answers yet, okay, but like I said, I’m not fucking about here.”

Ellen nods once more, before smiling at me. “Okay, enough with the interrogation,” she says.

I chuckle, relieved that I’ve passed her test, for now. “I can see where your kids get it from,” I joke, just as my phone chimes out with a text.

Ellen waves a hand in dismissal before turning and walking out of the shed. I pull my phone from my pocket, smiling at the message on my screen.

Lu: you had your talking to from Ellen yet?

Me: just now?word travels fast around here

Lu: ugh, those kids haven’t shut up all morning…sorry…

Me: don’t be, I like that people know we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?it’s so retro

Lu: well I’m not certain ALL the staff know yet, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time.

This morning, after Lu had finally managed to get Oscar and Ollie out of the house, I’d confronted her about the fact she’d told them I was her boyfriend, effectively admitting this thing between us was really happening.

It was cute watching her get all embarrassed about it and even though I was totally on board for us being outted, I could understand how it might be awkward for her. After all, she’s the boss and technically, I’m her employee. I can imagine that people will start talking and assuming I’m getting more than just sexual favors here.

Me: it’s all good Lu, I’ll see you later xx

Lu: x

I slide my phone back into my pocket and get back to work, but it chimes out with a new text. Pulling it from my pocket, my smile quickly fades though, when I see who it’s from.

Mel: Jack, please stop ignoring me. We need to talk. PLEASE!

I shake my head, muttering a fuck’s sake as I finally do what I should have done the second I discovered what was happening and block her number. No matter how much she might want to talk, I’m not interested because I don’t see how anything she could say can excuse what she did.

I should block Matt’s number too, but I don’t, grateful at least that he seems to have given up on trying to contact me. I’m not sure I can ever actually forgive him, but we have longer history and somehow that stops me for cutting him out of my life permanently.

The rest of the day passes quickly, a couple of the workers giving me strange looks when we cross paths because I’m sure they’ve heard the rumors by now, but no one actually asking me about whether they’re true.

After I finish up for the day, I head home for a quick shower, before going over to Lu’s armed with Tim Tams and a bottle of wine.

“Hey,” she says, smiling as I walk in through the back door.

I dump the wine and biscuits on the counter, pull her into my arms and plant a hard kiss on her mouth. “Hey yourself,” I say and Lu smiles against my mouth as she slides her hands up under my t-shirt. “Yes,” I murmur. “I like where this is going.”

She pulls back, whacking me on the arse. “Dirty boy.”

I grin, pulling her close again as I lower my mouth to her ear. “I thought you liked the dirty part,” I whisper, nibbling on her neck. “Seemed to be working for you this morning.”
