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“Don’t be wearing anything when I get back,” I growl, heading for the front door.

I head over to my place, flying through the front door as I all but run into the kitchen. Grabbing a couple of packets, I head back outside just in time to see a car driving down the gravel road toward our houses. I pause, wondering who the hell it could be given the winery is shut today and it isn’t Ellen’s car.

I walk down the steps and cross over to Lu’s porch as the car, which I can now see is driven by a guy, stops in front of her place.

He gets out, a strange look on his face as he watches me, standing half-dressed at Lu’s front door. He’s wearing jeans, which looked they’ve been fucking ironed and a polo shirt, tucked in but with the collar turned up so he looks like a total wanker.

“Can I help you?” I ask, blocking his path up Lu’s steps.

He gives me a once over, not bothering to hide his distain. “I’m here to see Lauren,” he says.

“Place is closed,” I tell him, gesturing up the drive. “Didn’t you see the sign?”

He stares back at me, a look on his face that suggests he doesn’t give a shit that the winery is closed. Just as I’m about to tell him to fuck off, I hear the front door open behind me.

Turning, I see Lu, still half-dressed in my t-shirt, a look of fear and horror on her face as she stares not at me, but at this stranger who’s just shown up at her house.

“Lauren,” he says, taking a step up to the porch. I move to block his path, but before I can say anything, I hear Lu speak, her voice shaking as she says, “Nate, what are you doing here?”

Oh fuck.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Watching him walk up pulls a knot so tight in the pit of my stomach that I’m certain I might throw up on the spot. There are very few people in the world who can provoke this sort of emotion in me, and Nate is top of that list.

Jack runs a close second, but for reasons far beyond what I feel for Nate. Nate is pure and utter hatred. I liked to believe I hated Jack, that what I felt for him wasn’t lust or love or infatuation, but I know now that the feelings Jack evokes in me are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

“Nate, what are you doing here?” I ask, completely disregarding the fact that Jack is standing there staring at me wide-eyed and wondering who the hell this is. I don’t have time for explanations or pleasantries.

“Hey Lauren. How’s it going?” Nate asks casually like we’re old friends. He smiles at me but all I see is the asshole who somehow convinced me that I wanted to marry him.

I want to punch him in the throat.

“What do you want?” I ask again, prefacing my question differently because he obviously isn’t getting the point that he’s not welcome. “Vineyard’s closed,” I add, my hands now on my hips, my eyes focused on him.

“Yeah, I know. Was just in the area and thought I’d stop by. See how you’re doing.”

Jack clears his throat, reminding me of his proximity to me and given the situation, my attention is focused solely on Nate.

I turn to him, trying not to sound like this man who is currently standing across from me is of any importance and say, “Can you give me a minute? I’ll meet you inside.” I tip my head in the direction of my house and Jack gives me a small nod but doesn’t move.

“You good, Lu?” he questions, his eyes flicking to Nate, and I watch the curiosity mixed with jealousy spark in his eyes.

“Yes, I’m fine. I just need a minute.”

This time Jack takes in my words and makes his way back to the house, letting himself in and closing the door behind him. I’m sure he’s wondering what is going on, and after the comment Ellen made last night there’s, no way he doesn’t realize this is the same person she was talking about.

There’s so much that goes into the explanation of who Nate is and why I despise him that laying it all out and letting Jack process it is going to really suck.

And not just for him.

“Who’s that?” Nate asks and this time the jealously flares inside him. But he isn’t jealous. He’s controlling and that’s what this whole visit is about.

“None of your business,” I shoot back, the anger filling my words as the knot in my stomach loosens. My anxiety now replaced with rage.

Nate exhales hard and pulls a hand through his hair. I can tell by the look on his face that he’s not interested in my lack of an answer.
