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I grin, pulling her into my arms. “Mmmm,” I murmur, leaning in to kiss the end of her nose. “This skype will have made her day.”

“Really?” Lu asks, confused.

“Really,” I repeat.


I laugh. “Seriously?” I ask her. Lu shrugs as though she doesn’t understand what I’m talking about. “You, Lulu,” I say, kissing her lips this time. “Seeing me with you will have made her day.”

“Really?” she says again. “But she’s never even met me.”

I shrug. “I know.”

Lu stares up at me, the confused look finally giving way to a smile as it dawns on her. “Oh my god,” she says, swatting at my chest. “You totally told her all about me, didn’t you?”

I laugh again, loving the look of smug satisfaction on her face. “Maybe,” I tease.

Lu scoffs. “Bullshit maybe,” she says. “Clearly I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stop talking now, was I.”

I pull her closer, wrapping both arms around her waist as I look down at her smiling face. It hits me in this moment, hard and right in the chest, just how much this woman means to me. How much I can’t and don’t ever want to let her go.

“You told her you fancied me too, didn’t you,” Lu continues when I don’t say anything, her arms slipping around my neck as she smiles up at me.

I smile, even as I pull her closer. “Maybe I did.”

Lu’s smile widens as she pushes up on her toes and presses her mouth against mine. “I knew it,” she says against my lips.

I chuckle. “What, that I fancied you?” I ask, kissing her again.

“Hmm hmm,” she says.

I shake my head. “Yeah I’m pretty sureeveryoneknows I fancy you, Lulu,” I tell her. “And I’m pretty damn glad about that too.”

Now it’s Lu laughing as she kisses me again. I tighten my arms around her, pulling her between my legs as I sit back on the kitchen stool, my hands sliding under her shirt and over her warm skin.

“I fancy you a whole lot, Lulu Somerville and I don’t give a shit who knows that,” I whisper, even as my brain tells me it’s so much more than that.

Lu giggles as she leans her forehead against mine. “I fancy you too, Jack Wilson,” she says, eyes locked onto mine.

I stare back at her, smiling. “Of course you do, baby,” I say. “You always have,” I add, winking at her.

Lu laughs again before kissing me once more. I pull her even closer, losing myself in how much I want and need this woman. How much I want to find a way to stay here with her.

But nagging at the back of my brain, like an annoying song you just can’t get out of your head, is the knowledge that Mel has contacted my parents, trying to find me.

And that I still don’t know exactly what they told her either.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I loathe grocery shopping and one of the perks of having a job like mine is that I can avoid the masses and go at random times of the day.

I’ve got this shit down to a science. I avoid Tuesdays because that’s senior discount day, and like hell if I move that slowly through the grocery store. I’m trying to break theGuinness Book of World Recordsfor fastest shopper and those old peeps serpentine down the aisles like a drunken toddler. Obviously Saturdays and Sundays are out because that’s when the rest of the world convenes in droves, and crowds and me just don’t mix. Thursdays are five-dollar take and bake pizza day, and while I love pizza, I pretty much hate people more.

So that just leaves Monday and Wednesday, and I’m currently spending my Wednesday morning hauling ass down the aisles trying my damnedest to break my record of a full shop in forty minutes.

It all comes to a screeching halt when I hit the dairy section and there standing at the end of the aisle is Nate in his perfectly pressed polo and his oddly starched jeans.
