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Just as I’m coming up to the turn-off though, I notice a “For Sale” sign in front of the property that runs along the far border of Lu’s. It must be new, because I don’t remember seeing it before.

Slowing down a little, I glance at the sign, mentally noting the estate agent who is handling the sale as my gaze moves to the fields of trees that fill the property, the almost new sheds and a tiny farmhouse far off in the distance.

It isn’t a winery, but a fruit orchard and as I slowly drive past it, an idea starts to form in my head. A spark that given enough fuel and encouragement could turn into something explosive.

But now, as I park the car in front of Lu’s place, I know I’m going to keep these thoughts quiet for a bit. At this stage, it’s only an idea, nothing certain and definitely far too soon to start thinking long-term.

“Honey, I’m home,” I call out, as I walk in the front door, my arms loaded with shopping bags.

“Out here,” comes Lu’s voice. I dump the bags on the bench before heading out to the back deck where Lu is stretched out on the sun lounge, a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other.

“Hey, what’s happening?” I ask, standing beside her.

“Uh huh,” she replies, not looking up at me, and clearly not listening to me either.

I reach down, take the glass from her hand and lift it to my mouth for a sip. Lu barely even notices. “Good book?” I ask, taking another.


Shaking my head, I lean down and grab it from her hands, straightening as she scrambles from the chair, reaching for the book. Holding it high, I turn my attention to the page she was just reading, a slow smile spreading on my face when I see exactly what’s captured her attention.

“Oh my god,” I ask, half laughing. “You’re reading porn?”

“No!” she says, even as a small blush starts to creep over her cheeks.

“You totally are,” I say, smiling as I flick over the page, taking in the words.

“It’s chick-lit,” she says firmly. “Not porn.”

I chuckle, shaking my head as I read from the page. “His fingers slide down to my clit, rubbing in slow circles before…”

“Give me that,” she says, snatching the book from my hands.

I turn, reach and pull her against me. “Sure sounds like porn to me, Lulu,” I tease. “You miss me that much you had to read this, huh?”

Lu rolls her eyes. “Actually,” she says. “It’s has an adorable Aussie character,” she continues. “He’s a perfect boyfriend and amazing in bed.”

“Does it now?” I say, leaning in to kiss the end of her nose. “Bet he’s not half as adorable as me,” I tell her. “Or as good in the sack.”

She swats at me with the book in mock annoyance. “He calls his girlfriend,Pet,” she says. “Why don’t you ever call me Pet?”

I burst out laughing. “Fuck me, are you serious?” I ask as Lu nods her head. “Jesus,” I say. “Pet is what my eighty-year-old grandma calls the nurse who comes to help her each week,” I continue. “It is not a term of endearment, nor something any self-respecting Aussie guy will say.”

“Really?” Lu asks, confused.

“Really,” I repeat, grinning. “But,” I continue, lowering my voice a little. “If you’d prefer I call you Pet…”

“Nope, no,” she immediately says, cutting me off. “I do not need you channeling your grandmother when you’re talking to me,” she says.

My grin widens. “Good answer, Lulu,” I whisper, kissing her mouth. “Now, let’s go see if we can take advantage of all that porn you’ve been reading while I was gone.”

“It’s not…”

“Shhh,” I say, cutting her off. “I’m busy thinking about how my fingers are about to slide down to your…”

Now it’s Lu who cuts me off as her mouth presses against mine in a hard kiss. Groaning, I take the book from her hand, throwing it on the sun lounge as I wrap both arms around her waist and pull her against me.

Mirroring the words I’ve just read, I slip a hand into the top of her shorts, under her panties and between her legs where I discover just what reading this book has done to her.
