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“I gotta go. Will drank this sangria in a glass the size of a fish bowl and is about to get on this spinning tractor ride with the kids. I’m pretty certain there will be puke, but I’ll keep you posted.”

“Send pictures if there is! And thanks Ellen.”

“No problem. Glad I could talk you off the ledge.”

“Fuck, why do you always have to have the last word?” I hiss, still living the life of the little sister at thirty.

“Because I’m older,” she retorts and hangs up before I can say anything more.

Moments after I hang up with Ellen, Jack pops his head into my office.

“Hey sweets, I gotta run out and pick up a few tools that you’re missing. Tommy’s gonna go with me since we might have to hit up a few home improvement stores to find them.”

“Glad to see you’re getting along with Tommy,” I say back, giving him a wink.

“Yeah, he’s not so bad. You okay though? You look like you were crying.”

“Nah, I’m all good. Just allergies, I guess. When do you think you’ll be back? Don’t forget we’re closing up early today. We’ve got that private party.”

“Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. I’d guess we’ll be back by five.”

“Dinner?” I ask, standing up from my desk and making my way to the doorway where Jack is still standing.

“Of course,” he replies leaning in for a kiss before he heads out the door.

I spend the rest of the day organizing the last minute details for the private party, like going over the menu with the chef and making sure the servers are prepared. The party will run itself and I leave my staff to do what they do best.

But just as I’m about to leave for the day a knock comes on the door to my office. It’s a quarter to five and the party is set to arrive in fifteen minutes, so assuming it’s a staff member with a last second question, I call out, “Come in.”

The door opens slowly and in steps a tall leggy blonde with a bronze glow and piercing blue eyes.

“Can I help you?” I ask, wondering if she’s with the private party and maybe she’s taken a wrong turn.

“I’m looking for Jack Wilson,” she says, her accent unmistakable. “The woman up front said I could find him here.”

I fall silent and take her in. She’s stunning and even though I can see the faint look of dark circles under her eyes, she’s still far prettier than the average woman.

“Do you know where I can find him?” she asks again, seemingly growing impatient with my lack of response.

I shake my head waiting for my mouth to catch up with my brain and willing it not to boldly ask who she is and what business she has with Jack.

“He’s not here right now.”

“Do you know when he’ll be back?”

She’s very audacious for someone who has just shown up here unannounced, making it obvious that she and Jack have some history.

“We’re closing in fifteen minutes, so you’ll have to come back another time.”

“I didn’t ask when you were closing. I asked if you knew where I can find Jack,” she chides, a hand now going to her hip as she straightens up, looking even taller than she already is. Her eyes growing narrow as she now rakes her gaze over me.

“I’m sorry, but whatever business you have with Jack will have to be done another time seeing as he’s not here and we’re closing.”

It’s now me standing with hands on my hips but looking far less menacing and far less beautiful. She’s likeLand Down Under Barbie.

She lets out an annoyed huff and runs a hand through her long blonde hair. “Can I leave a message for him then?”

“Sure,” I reply, knowing this is the perfect way to find out exactly who she is without turning into a version of Ellen’s nosy sidekick. I hand her a pen and a pad of paper and wait.
