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As I trace a path with my tongue between her breasts, somewhere in the back of my brain, a voice is reminding me that this is a work colleague, a much younger work colleague. That all of this could be a really fucking bad idea that only ends in one thing: a super awkward work environment tomorrow.

Penny’s hands sliding down to my ass banishes that voice though as I’m reminded once again of what’s happening right now.

Live a little.

Deciding I don’t give a fuck about tomorrow, I slip my hands to Penny’s ass, hitching her body up into my arms so she has to wrap her legs around my waist. With my mouth still on her neck, I walk us out of the kitchen and down the hall to my bedroom at the opposite end of the house.

I drop Pen onto my bed, stepping back to watch her as she looks around the room.

“Holy shit,” she breathes out, her eyes wide as they take in the floor to ceiling windows that span an entire wall, showcasing the sweeping views of grapevines and trees, before moving to the stone fireplace built into the wall opposite the bed.

“How the fuck do you live here?” she asks, turning back to me.

I grin. “You really love my house, don’t you?”

“Uh huh,” she says, nodding. “I think I’m gonna move in.”

I chuckle, leaning forward as I force her back so she’s lying on the bed beneath me. I place a hand on either side of her, my body hovering over hers but not touching. “Is that so?” I ask, leaning down to brush my lips against hers.

“Yes,” she murmurs, her hands grabbing my t-shirt and pulling it up and over my head. “Oh, jesus christ,” she says, her eyes raking over my chest as she throws the shirt on the floor.

“What’s wrong?” I murmur, my mouth back on her neck.

I feel her fingers brush across my chest, trailing between my pecs and down to my stomach. Goosebumps follow her touch, my dick twitching as it now tents the crotch of my sweats.

“Nothing’s wrong,” she breathes out, her finger hooking into the waistband of my sweats and pulling me closer.

I smile against her mouth, resisting the pull. “Your turn,” I whisper, my hands grabbing the bottom of her shirt and pulling it off. She’s not wearing anything underneath it and the sight of her lying half naked on my bed nearly undoes me. “Fuck me,” I groan as my mouth moves to her breast, sucking on her nipple.

Penny arches beneath me, her hands in my hair, fingers gripping and pulling as she holds me against her. “Yes,” she breathes out. “God, yes.”

I lift my head, letting go of her nipple with a pop as I gaze down at her. “You sure you wanna do this?”

Penny’s face is flushed, her eyes glazed over with a combination of lust and alcohol as she looks at me. “Do what exactly?”

The corner of my mouth tugs up in a grin and I totally blame the fucking alcohol for what comes out of my mouth next. “Let my naked dick and balls get up close and personal with your coochie?”

Pen’s mouth falls open, her cheeks darkening as she slaps a hand across my mouth. “You ass,” she half yells, even as I’m laughing beneath her hand.

I gently bite on her fingers, before pulling her hand away. “Come on, Pen, don’t be like that.”

Her brows narrow as she stares up at me, a flash of mischief crossing her face. I open my mouth to tease her again, but before I get a chance, I feel her hand move lower so it’s now cupping my dick. She smirks up at me as she says, “You say that one more time and you won’t be getting anywhere near my coochie.”

I burst out laughing as my mouth crashes against hers in a hard kiss. I feel her grip on me tighten a little as she gently but firmly pulls me on top of her.

“Yes, I wanna do this,” she murmurs against my mouth, her hands pushing my sweats down over my hips as I kick them off my legs.

I do the same with the boxers she’s wearing and before I can even question it again, both of us are naked, skin to skin, our hearts pounding in our chests as they are pressed together. I can feel the hard beat of hers mirroring mine as her fingers trail up my spine to the back of my neck.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I whisper as I grab a condom from the side table and put it on, my body falling between her legs as I push inside her.

“Oh my god,” she groans, her hips rising up to meet mine as her legs wrap around me.

I kiss her again, harder this time as my hips start to move. “God, Pen, you feel so fucking good.”

I swallow her moans with another kiss as we start to move, our bodies now a tangle of hot, sweaty limbs, skin pressed against skin, mouths crashing together, tongues entwined. It feels dangerous and heady and fueled by a crazy mix of alcohol and desire and lust that neither of us is bothering to fight anymore.

I don’t give a shit how wrong this is or how much she might regret it tomorrow, because right now, everything about it feels so fucking right that I don’t ever want it to stop.
