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We pull up outside the most stunning house on the property and a part of me wonders if this is why Jack and Lauren wanted to put the addition on their little cottage. Tommy and Penny’s house sits atop a hill overlooking the vineyards. It’s set back away from all the hustle and bustle of the winery and the other buildings, including Jack and Lauren’s house. While I had seen a few pictures of Tommy and Penny’s house when I first started working here, I have never seen it in person. The pictures do not do it justice.

“Wow,” I say, as we step out of the car and I look down at the vineyard below, the house all lit up and glowing grandly from its perfect location.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty epic house,” Dylan says, taking my hand and leading me up to the door, while I continue to take in the view.

The house isn’t overly large or anything, but the area is just so spectacular that I can’t believe Jack and Lauren wouldn’t have wanted to build a house here instead. The architect in me is giddy with excitement as I dream about all the wonderful things I could build with a view like this.

Dylan knocks and I’m still looking around, lost in my own world when Penny opens the door and greets us with a squeal.

“Come in! Come in!” she cheers, holding the door open, interrupting my dream of living on a vineyard and building a gorgeous custom home. Not that I’m not building a gorgeous custom home on a vineyard; it’s just not for me.


“Oh, your house is beautiful,” I say as soon as I walk into the two-story entryway. “The transom windows let in the perfect amount of light and the mansard roof allows for you to expand should you want…” I trail off when I notice the looks on Penny and Dylan’s faces. “Sorry,” I sheepishly say, giggling a little.

“It was Tommy’s house first. I can’t take credit for any of this. I was blown away by it when I first saw it too,” Penny shares, as she leads us into the house.

I’m trying to control myself, but everywhere I turn there are more and more details that I notice, but I need to control myself. The reason we’re here is not to dissect the awesomeness of Tommy and Penny’s house and I need to remember that.

“Hey,” Jack says, welcoming us as Tommy gives us a nod of his head. He’s always been the silent type. I worked a lot with Penny and him when I was helping get the outbuildings ready for their mead business, and it was always Penny who was up for a chat.

“Hey, Jack,” Dylan says, shaking his hand as he pulls a chair out at the table and sits down.

“Can I get anyone anything to drink?” Lauren offers, going to the fridge as she rattles off what there is to drink.

“Lauren, I’ll get it,” Penny says, shooing her over to sit down. “You’re pregnant and we should be waiting on you.”

I ask for a glass of wine and Dylan opts for a beer, and we all have a seat around the table that is set with a few appetizers. Dylan adds the platter his sister so graciously made to the mix, and I can’t help but put it out there.

“Dylan’s sister Hannah is a chef and she made these. From what I hear, she’s amazing and she’s also in the market for a job if there happen to be any openings here at Somerville’s.” I try not to make her sound desperate to escape her current situation, but I’m not sure I did.

“Is she single?” Jack now asks and Lauren swats at him.

“Looking to add another wife?” Will questions, his eyebrows going up, hoping that Lauren realizes it’s a joke.

“Well, mate, might be nice to have someone else to help look after the baby,” Jack replies, elbowing Will and giving him a wink. “But no. I’m a pretty good matchmaker if I do say so myself.”

The table laughs, including Penny and Tommy who have never given Jack credit for hooking them up. And now I’m guessing he thinks he had a part in Dylan and me starting this thing between us back up. I don’t want to give him too much credit because he loves the attention, but he kind of did push both Penny and Tommy to download the matchmaker app, and he also seemed to pop up in a few different places when it came to Dylan and me.

“She is single, but she’s looking for a job, Jack, not a boyfriend,” Dylan chimes in. “And besides, she’s my sister and I’m absolutely not thinking about you setting her up with anyone who works here.” Dylan mockingly shudders dramatically like the idea of Hannah hooking up with someone is too much. The poor girl probably needs to get laid to help her ease some of the stress of working for her idiot boss.

“I’m one for one when it comes to my couples getting married,” Jack now says. “I’m guessing you’ll be next.”

I look over at Dylan and instantly see a change in him. He shifts in his chair and swallows hard, completely avoiding even making a joke back to Jack. Not that I think we’re about to get married or anything, but it would be great if he at least acknowledged Jack’s comment with his usual witty comebacks.

The room falls into an awkward silence and to make matters worse, Dylan finally replies and what he says just makes everything feel horribly uncomfortable.

“Fuck, dude. I’m not getting married. That would mean responsibility and babies and shit,” he chides, letting out a chuckle, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I certainly miss the humor in what he said.

The room laughs a little and luckily for me Penny changes the subject, asking about how Lauren and Jack’s house is coming along. We chat about all the changes and how excited everyone is to see it finished, which distracts me a little from the intensity of Dylan’s reaction to marriage.

I know we haven’t been together long, and maybe I’m just being overly sensitive because of what happened in the past, but I really thought he would at least consider something long-term when it comes to us.

I’m trying not to let it bother me because I don’t really want to ruin anyone’s night, but of course my mind just can’t seem to let it go.

You’re being ridiculous, Tessa!
