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Chapter Seventeen


I leave work early, knowing that tonight I really need to make a good impression. For so many reasons. I’ve already nearly fucked this up on so many occasions and even though I know there’s still a part of Tessa that doesn’t believe I’m fully in with us, I’m determined to prove it to her.

Even if that means I have to tell her the truth about everything.

I put the dishes of food on the counter and pull my phone from my pocket, checking the instructions Leo sent me for how to heat everything up and what to do with the dessert. It’s times like this, I’m glad I have a friend and a sister who can both cook, because while I’m not bad in the kitchen, I definitely don’t need to be thinking or stressing about cooking dinner tonight.

I do grab a beer from the fridge though, knowing I need some liquid courage, before I head back to my room to take a shower. As I’m getting dressed, my phone rings and I smile when I see Hannah’s name light up the screen as I put it on speaker.

“Hey, sis,” I say, pulling on a fresh pair of jeans.

“Hey bro, whatcha doing?”

“Getting dressed.”

Hannah groans. “Fuck, dude, I so do not need to be talking to you while you’re naked, we’re freaking related, you know.”

Chuckling, I search through the drawers for a clean t-shirt, wondering if I should go fancier and iron a shirt. Fuck it, may as well stick with what works.

“I’m not naked,” I tell her, grabbing my phone as I head back to the kitchen. “Anymore, anyway.”

“So gross,” Hannah mutters. “Anyway, I have a rare night off from my asshole boss and I wanted to see if you wanted to catch up, maybe check out some bars, let me wallow in the misery of my life and my fucked up job situation by drinking the night away?”

“No can do I’m afraid,” I tell her, turning the oven on as per Leo’s instructions. “I have a date.”

“Ooooo,” Hannah teases and I can hear the smile in her voice now as I mentally remind myself to ask Leo about any opportunities at Somerville’s again. I know he told me to tell Hannah to send in her resume, but I have no idea if she did. “With Tessa?”

“Yeah, of course with Tessa,” I say, grabbing some plates and cutlery. “Who the hell else would it be with?”

Hannah scoffs and I don’t need to see her to know she’s rolling her eyes at me. “Just checking, no need to get your panties in a twist,” she says. “But speaking of panties, have you managed to get in hers again?”

“Seriously?” I ask, glaring at my phone. “You do remember she is your friend, don’t you?”

“Meh, I mean yeah she was, but I haven’t seen her in forever, so it’s not like, you know…”

I pause, wondering if it actually bothers my sister, what’s happening between me and Tessa. “Han, you’re like, you’re okay with me and Tess being together, right?”

“Of course,” she says quickly. “I mean, I can’t lie, knowing you’ve fucked anyone I know is weird, but nah, I’m cool with it.”

“Okay, good,” I say, letting out a breath. “And look, maybe we could all hang out sometime. You and Tessa could catch up and you know.”

“And watch you two fawn all over each other? Ugh,” she says, making a fake gagging sound.

“Fuck off,” I say, laughing. “But I’m going to set something up, so don’t be weird about it.”

“Whatever,” she says, clearly not concerned. “As long as you aren’t weirded out when I hook up with one of your hot friends or co-workers,” she adds, laughing.


“Later, little brother, have fun on your date!” And then she’s gone, hanging up on me before I have a chance to respond.

I’m about to type out a text to her, because I cannot let her have the last word on this when the sound of the front door buzzer fills the apartment.

Throwing my phone on the counter, I walk over to buzz Tessa up, opening the front door and waiting for her at the top of the stairs.

“Hi,” she says, smiling up at me as she comes up.
