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He laughs, stepping closer and placing a hand on my shoulder. “So, you and Tessa kissed and made up after that fuck up at Tommy’s the other night then?”

I blink slowly, not sure how to respond to any of this. I mean it’s not like I don’t talk about my sex life, it just doesn’t usually involve my bosses. And it especially doesn’t involve my bosses when the woman I am sleeping with also happens to work for them too.

“Well, I’m happy for you, dude,” he continues, not waiting for my response as he gives me a quick thumbs up before walking over to where Tommy is scrolling through a webpage on the computer we use to keep track of the fruit harvest and bottling cycles.

“Found one,” Tommy says, pointing to something on the screen. “I’ll call and ask them to hold it, want me to go pick it up.”

Jack claps his hands together, turning back to me with a grin. “Nah, let’s send lover boy to get it,” he says. “We let him stay here, he’s likely to do something entirely inappropriate and possibly perverted the second Tessa walks in.”

Tommy snorts because of course that is exactly the kind of thing Jack does every time Lauren is around. The guy can’t keep his hands off her and while I actually totally get it now, it doesn’t mean I’m going to be the same.

Although after last night and this morning, who the fuck knows?

“Fine, I’ll go get it,” I say, walking over to the computer. “Where am I going?”

Tommy grabs a slip of paper and scribbles down the address and part number before handing it to me. “I’ll call them now and sort payment over the phone. Take the work truck, so you can fit it in the tray.”

I grab the keys from a hook on the wall, slipping the paper into my pocket, wondering if I might be able to swing by Jack’s house to see Tess real quick before I head out. I’m going to have to go down to San Francisco, and not just that, to the other side of the city so there’s a good chance I won’t be back in time to have lunch with her.

“Okay, I’ll head out now,” I say, turning and walking out of the shed.

“And don’t be getting distracted with all your sex thoughts,” Jack calls out, laughing. “I don’t need you crashing my truck!”

“Whatever,” I reply, throwing a hand up as I walk out.

I jump in the truck and pull out of the back parking area, heading toward the drive that leads down to Jack and Lauren’s place. When I get there though, it’s blocked by a huge truck, carrying some sort of support beam and not currently moving anywhere.

“Damn it,” I mutter, knowing there’s no way I can get past it and drive down to the house. Letting out a breath, I turn back and drive out of the property, heading in the direction of San Fran, wondering if I can maybe grab lunch with Hannah, seeing as I’ll be down her way.

Reaching for my phone so I can call her, I realize it’s not in the center console where it normally is, because of course, this isn’t my car.

“Shit,” I say, grabbing at my pockets, only to discover it’s not in them either.

I must have left it in my car or maybe even at home. I can’t even recall, too distracted by the amazing morning I had with Tessa, to remember if I picked it up before I walked out of the house this morning.

I’m half tempted to turn back to check, to grab it so I can at least text Tess and tell her I won’t be able to have lunch with her today. But I know I should get moving, needing to get to the store and back so we can get the fruit picker fixed.

I just have to hope that somehow Tessa hears that I’ve left and that I don’t have my phone on me.
