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Chapter Twenty-Eight


My phone begins to ring and I don’t have time to even look to see who it is. I let it go to voicemail, knowing if I get caught up in answering it, I’ll never get everything done today. Not that I’m complaining because this is the busiest I’ve been since embarking on this whole creating my own firm.

In addition to finishing Jack and Lauren’s house, they’ve asked me to turn an old outbuilding into a rental cottage with the prospect of creating a dozen more to match over the next year. It’s a huge undertaking, one of the biggest projects of my career.

Prior to starting my own business. I had worked on a few buildings in San Fran which gave me a push in establishing clients and now I’m pretty much only working for Somerville’s. I’m sure the call was a client looking for my services, but I really can’t take on anything for at least a year. And honestly, if the conversation with Jack and Lauren earlier is any indication, it looks like I’ll be possibly expanding the restaurant at Somerville’s soon too.

Right now, I’m scrambling over to the city clerk’s office to secure permits to start the cottage renovation and then I’m meeting back up with Lauren to go over a basic outline and floorplan. I basically spent all of last night working on it with Dylan snoozing next to me.

We’ve fallen into this sweet little pattern with us spending the night together and going off to work in the morning. Making dinner and then spending the evening watching movies or exploring each other in the bedroom. It’s been everything I’ve dreamed of and more.

I really never gave Dylan enough credit, immediately assuming he had zero interest in anything more. I now realize I should’ve at least given him the chance to tell me if he was or wasn’t interested in a relationship. We’ve definitely grown as a couple and now I can’t even think of anything that would make me ghost him the way I did back then. It really was immature of me.

“Hey Tessa,” the desk attendant says, when I walk in. We’re on a first name basis now, and I’ve been lucky enough to get on her good side. “Back again, huh?”

“Hi Sophie,” I reply. “Yep, filing more permits,” I add, dropping the stack of paperwork on her desk. We’ve talked a lot lately, and I learned that she’s going to school to be an engineer, a huge feat, so I think it’s awesome that she’s also working here during the day. She’s taking classes in the evenings, trying to use her money from working here to pay for school so she doesn’t come out with a huge amount of debt.

I know that feeling, especially with going to school to be an architect. The costs can be extreme, and while I was lucky enough that my parents covered most of my education, there were things I had to pay for myself.

“You’ve really been busy over there at the Somerville property. I’ve never been out there, but I really need to soon so I can see everything you’ve been working on.”

“And then one day when you finish school we can team up and you can be the engineer on my jobsites,” I tell her, meaning it. I think it would be so cool to be able to work with her and give her a starting off point.

“I’m going to hold you to that,” she says, giggling a little like it’s a joke, but to me it isn’t. I’d love to help her out the way she’s helped me these last several months. “So let’s see what you have here.” She takes the stack and begins to sort through it all, placing things into separate piles. “Hang tight, I’ll get this all taken care of and have you on your way in a bit.”

She disappears behind the door that leads to the rest of the offices, and I sit down in one of the chairs to wait on her.

I pull out my phone, attempting to catch up on emails during the downtime, but as soon as I open my phone, I see the missed call and the waiting voicemail. Letting out a hard sigh, I play it.

“Hi, this call is for Tessa Kramer. This is Dr. Blanden’s office calling. You missed your appointment today, so when you get a chance, please call back to reschedule.”

Of course I missed my appointment. I’ve been so damn busy; it’s been hard to keep track of my own life while I’m keeping track of my career. I’m hit with a wave of guilt at the sound of the woman’s voice on my voicemail. She sounds annoyed and rightfully so. I didn’t even bother to call and cancel, which means I’m going to get charged for the visit.

I quickly call the office back, hoping I can get in soon and smooth things over for missing my appointment.

“Dr. Blanden’s office,” the voice on the other end says and I instantly recognize it from the voicemail.

“Hi, this is Tessa Kramer, I got your voicemail about missing my appointment today. I’m so sorry. Can I please reschedule?”

The woman lets out an annoyed sigh, I’m sure assuming I’m going to miss this one too. I imagine it happens often and why would I be any different. But this time, I’m going to get my ass there.

“Would you be able to come in an hour?” she now asks, and I look down at my watch. I have no idea how long I’ll be here, but I guess I could just let Sophie know I need to leave. I can always come back and pick everything up later. Since I did miss my appointment, I don’t want to be difficult and have the doctor’s office try to work around my ridiculous schedule. Honestly, no time is a good time.

“Of course, that’s perfect,” I say, hearing the faux enthusiasm in my own voice that I’m sure the receptionist recognizes. No one is excited about going to the gynecologist.

As soon as I hang up, I head back into the offices to see if I can find Sophie to let her know I’ll be back later and there’s no rush.

I find her quickly and she tells me she’ll have everything ready tomorrow, but she’ll text me if there are any hold-ups, which I’m sure there will be. It’s the nature of the job.

I then text Lauren to see if we can move our meeting to a little later in the afternoon, not that I really have any other choice. She responds immediately asking if quarter after four will work, and while I assume I’ll be done with my appointment, I agree.

I pull into the parking lot ten minutes early and feeling better about missing my first appointment. I head inside and check in. Within a few minutes I’m in the exam room wearing the stiff and scratchy gown that smells like bleach, waiting for the doctor to come in.

I’m checking emails and responding when the knock comes on the door.

“Come in.” I call, and the doctor appears around the curtain a few seconds later.
