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Chapter Three


It’s been a couple of days since Tess and I shared lunch, if that’s what you can even call it. We haven’t seen much of each other in that time, only occasionally catching a glimpse of one and other around the property, but never really speaking. It’s not that I’m avoiding her, it’s more that we’re both just busy.

And yeah, okay, maybe I’m sort of avoiding her while I try and figure out what the fuck I’m supposed to do next.

Okay, I’m totally avoiding her.

But it’s not that I want to, not at all. I wasn’t lying when I said it was fun hanging out with her at the wedding and seeing her around the place. Aside from the fact she is sexy as fuck, the time I spent with her at the wedding, sharing a few drinks and having a laugh, the more I started to realize she’s also a lot of fun. In ways that don’t involve the bedroom. And that I really was an idiot to have treated her the way I did.

It’s just that at the time, casual sex was all I’d wanted. I thought that’s what she wanted too and while I’m okay with the fact she’s changed her mind about that, what I’m not okay with is how or why I’ve changed mine too.

That isn’t me, never has been.

But suddenly this woman, Tessa, was making me want things I’d never even thought about. And I still couldn’t quite figure that out.


“Yep, in here,” I call out, just as Jack sticks his head into the shed. “Hey, what’s up?”

Jack strolls in, a grin on his face even as he slowly shakes his head at me. “I should be asking you the same thing.”

“Huh, what are you talking about?” I ask, not stopping what I’m doing as I finish cleaning one of the crushers.

Jack comes to a stop beside the machine, his hands on his hips as he watches me. I try my best to ignore him, because I get the feeling he’s not here to talk about work. He’s been on my ass nearly every day since he brought Tess over to have lunch with me and today will be no different.

After a good fifteen minutes, I finally get the crusher done, throwing my wrench into the toolbox as I stand, stretching my back as I hear a couple of cracks. Jack smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

“Just say it,” I say, waving a hand at him as if to hurry things along.

“What?” he asks with a grin.

“Please,” I say, straightening as I turn and face him. “Let’s just get it over with.”

“Okay,” Jack says, letting out a breath as he launches into it, as though now I’ve given him permission, he isn’t about to hold back. “What the hell are you waiting for, man? I mean, I set up a lunch, just the two of you and now it’s been three days and nothing! What are you doing?”

I narrow my brows. “How do you know it’s been nothing?”

Jack smirks. “Please, like I don’t know everything that goes on around here.”

I exhale, knowing this isn’t gonna stop anytime soon, so I may as well take advantage of the situation. “Fine,” I start. “So we had lunch and we talked and now I don’t know what to do.”

Jack shoves a hand through his hair. “Jesus, you really are clueless, aren’t you?”

“Fuck off, I’ve just never done this before, okay? I don’t…don’t date or whatever this is, so I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

Jack chuckles, even as he shakes his head at me. “Yeah, wow, this is gonna be harder than I thought,” he mutters, almost as though he’s speaking to himself. “So let’s get a couple of things straight first,” he starts, hand up as he begins to count things off on his fingers. “You like her?” He pauses, as if waiting for me to respond and I give in and acknowledge his statement with a nod. “Okay, and you want more than just random hook ups?” Another nod. “But you’ve never really dated before?” I shake my head this time, wondering if this could possibly get any more embarrassing. “Alright,” he continues, blowing out a breath. “So you’ve definitely got some work to do, but I’m pretty sure this is something we can fix. First up, you gotta make it clear that fuck buddies is no longer what you’re going for.”

“I have,” I blurt out, even though I’m not entirely sure Tessa believed me when I admitted that maybe I wasn’t so anti-relationships after all.

Jack raises a brow. “Good. So now, you have to go slow, Dylan. Show her you’re serious about getting to know her outside of the bedroom.”

“But how do I do that?” I ask, feeling like a total loser. Charming a girl into my bed is not something I’ve ever struggled with. Charming her without the promise of sex is what I have no clue about.

Jack chuckles. “Easy, show her this side of you.”

