Page 55 of Relentless Pursuit

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“You heard me. Don’t contact her for anything. She’s no longer your employee. She doesn’t need you to look after her, and she certainly doesn’t need you to protect her from me.”

“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t contact. If I want to reach out to Kayla. I will. You never know, she might be receptive.”

“Try it and you’ll see just how good I am at my job.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“If you continue to harass her, I’ll file a suit against you and Channel Five.”

“For what?” The color drained from his face. “You’ve got nothing on me.”

“To answer your first question, I’ll file a sexual harassment suit against you. A man as stupid as you has probably left a trail in text and emails. I wouldn’t doubt that you used your work email to proposition her. I’m also pretty confident I won’t have any trouble finding witnesses to back her up. Who knows? I might be able to turn this into a multiple plaintiff case. If you’ve done it to Kayla and she comes forward, there will be others. There arealwaysothers.”

Of course, he wouldn’t throw out baseless accusations. When he had Larson dig, his PI was very thorough. Julian knew just how many others there were.

“Ha.” Mitch laughed. “Maybe it’s me who will sue her for defamation if she tries anything.”

“Charlotte Michaels ring a bell?”


“How about Alice Winslow?”

“How did you...” He shook his head. “You can’t prove anything.”

“I know you had to give up a prestigious job at a major network because of the accusations those women made right after you were married. Somehow you managed to get your employers to secure you a job at your current location. I’m sure if I keep digging, I’ll uncover more than you would like your colleagues and wife to find out. How do you think your son, Zach, would feel growing up knowing his father degrades and harasses women?”

“Screw you, Anders. You leave my kid out of this.”

“You’re right. I am good at my job, but I’m even better when it comes to protecting the people I care about. Are we clear? As long as you leave her alone, your dirty little secrets are safe with me.”

Kayla came toward them. “Is everything okay?” she asked. “It looks intense or something over here.”

“We’re fine.” Julian wrapped his arm around her waist. “I was just making sure Mitch understood that your new job will be keeping you quite busy and you won’t have time to be meeting him for drinks now or ever.”

“Oh.” She looked into Julian’s eyes. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Good luck with him.” Mitch made a disgusted facial expression. “He has serious control issues. I’d consider a restraining order.”

“Just remember what I said.” Julian ushered Kayla toward the door. “I don’t make idle threats.”

“What was that all about?” Kayla glanced over her shoulder. “I told you I could handle him.”

“Now you don’t have to.” He handed the ticket to the valet. “He won’t be bothering you anymore.”

“What did you do?”

“I protected you.”

“From Mitch?” She crinkled her nose. “He’s harmless. He wasn’t going to bother me anymore.”

“I made sure.” Julian would have left it alone if Mitch hadn’t approached him. “There’s the car.” He tipped the valet and waited as Kayla got into her seat. He went around to the driver’s side, hoping they could drop this whole thing. He didn’t want to explain about digging into Mitch’s past.

“Why did he say you were controlling?” she asked once he was in the car.

“Because I am.” He pulled out onto the street and headed toward one of his favorite restaurants. It was quiet and they could have an intimate dinner.

“What did you do?”
