Page 82 of Relentless Pursuit

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“Do you want a color?” She asked because it seemed the most appropriate thing to say, considering how they had left one another.


“Green.” She sighed. “I need to talk.”

He took her hand in his, rubbing circles along her wrist. “Say whatever you want.”

“I overreacted.” Her voice was soft, she didn’t have much confidence in herself at the moment. “I never wanted to fight with you. It was just...”

“I understand what you walked in on was troubling. Seeing the two of us in a situation like that was enough to mess with your head, but you have to know I would never betray you like that.”

“I know.” The image of Connie naked and at Julian’s feet was etched in her brain. It had affected her more than she realized. She couldn’t imagine anyone other than herself doing those things for him. Being exactly who he needed her to be. Who she wanted to be for him.

“After all the trust you’ve placed in me over these past few months. The things you’ve allowed me to do to your body, mind, and soul.” He lifted her into his lap. “I could never throw it all away. Not for Connie or anyone else.”

“I don’t know how I doubted you.”

“I’m yours, Kayla, until you tell me to go. And even if that day comes, I don’t know if I could walk away.”

“I’m an idiot.”

“No, you’re a strong, confident, determined woman who proved tonight that you would never put up with any shit from me.”

“I did?”

“No one has ever turned their back on me and walked away before. It hurt me.” He placed her hand on his heart. “Here.” He stared into her eyes. “I’ve never given anyone the power to do that to me.”

She couldn’t help but be ashamed of herself. All the patience he’d had with her when it came to his demands in the bedroom, and the one time he’d put his emotional well-being on the line, she failed him.

“I never meant to hurt you.” She pushed back the lump forming in her throat. “I didn’t think I had that kind of power.”

“You have more power over my heart than you know.”

“I should have stayed and let you explain. Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I realize Connie set us up.”

“She has several issues, and she doesn’t seem very stable to me. What she did tonight was vindictive and irrational.”

“I don’t know why she turned on me like that. I thought we were friends.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. You helped her a few weeks ago.”

“She’s not a concern of mine unless she tries to go after you again.”

“I’m done with her.” There was no way Kayla could ever forgive Connie for what she tried to do. Connie knew Kayla was in love with Julian. She’d confided in her so many times. “I don’t want her in our lives.”

“That won’t be a problem.” He kept her hand in his, resting them in her lap. “But Connie’s behavior has me thinking.”

“About what?”

“The responsibility Blake and I have to educate people who come in thinking they want a lifestyle that they may know nothing about. You and Connie are just two examples. I intercepted you because I knew you, but how many others have I failed?”

“You run a dating service. Blake carefully matches people. Do you honestly believe he would have put me with you if you hadn’t come after me?”

“I know he wouldn’t have, but Connie made some remarks tonight. I realized she has some issues, but she said something about wanting to be my pet that unsettled me. What if there are others hanging around Sapphire, looking for a life that they’ve created in their head that doesn’t exist? The BDSM lifestyle is intriguing. It’s what brought you to me. But, as I’m teaching you, it comes in many different forms. It’s not for everyone. We are taking this so slow. I’m being careful not to push you.”

“So what are you suggesting?”
