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Chapter 1

Ringing in the new year at a cozy suburban bed-and-breakfast with the only man Kayla Quinn ever loved seemed like a dream come true. The holidays were coming to a close, and the winter months would be long and cold. Having Julian Anders to snuggle up with on those frigid New York nights was more than she could have ever hoped for when she walked into that singles club looking to find a match. She never expected to find love, much less end up with her high school crush, but here they were. Together, happy, and exploring a sexual lifestyle that left her craving more every day. Sex with him was... Well, he showed her something new every time they were together. Julian was a master in the bedroom, and she couldn’t get enough.

Just a few minutes before midnight, they decided to come up for air and toast the upcoming year. They’d checked in earlier that day and hadn’t meant to stay inside all night, but after spending the holidays with both of their families, they hadn’t had much alone time the past few days. Tonight was about reconnecting. They cuddled by the fire under a soft fleece throw. At the stroke of midnight, Julian clinked his flute against hers.

“Happy New Year.” He kissed her slowly. “I have a feeling this is going to be the best year of my life.”

“I’m looking forward to what the new year has in store for us.”

“I can think of a few things I’d like to try with you.”

“I’ll bet.” She finished her champagne and set the glass on the table behind them.

“Would you like more?”

“You know what more does to me.”

“That’s why I asked.” He placed his glass next to hers before lowering himself to the floor, pulling back the warm throw for her to cuddle under. “Get close to me. It’s chilly in here.”

“That’s probably because we’ve been naked since after dinner.”

“I’m not complaining.” He propped himself up on his elbow, draping his arm across her chest. “This has been a fantastic week. I enjoyed spending the holidays with you.”

“I had a great time too.”

At first, she had been worried about how the week would turn out. This was the first time either of them had been in a serious relationship around the holidays, and Kayla wanted everything to be perfect. It had been. Both families were pleased that the two of them had gotten together. Julian was her brother’s best friend and had been in her life for as long as she could remember. He’d always been around in some capacity while she had been growing up. It wasn’t the first time he’d been in her parents’ home for Christmas, but it was the first time they were a couple.

“My mother adores you,” Julian said. “I knew she would.”

“My mom couldn’t be more thrilled that we’re seeing one another.”

“Your dad was a little harder to get on board, but after I offered to take him on a golfing weekend in the spring, I think he changed his mind.” Julian traced his fingers along her neck. “Golf always works.”

“He thinks you’re too old for me.” The ten-year age gap didn’t matter to them, but her dad was another story. “He’ll come around. He likes you.” She laughed when she thought about her dad making sure she was sleeping at her parents’ house during the holiday week and not in a bed with Julian.

“My age should be the least of his problems when it comes to the two of us.” He brought the blanket down and swirled his finger around her nipple as his lips twitched into that naughty smirk of his. “If he only knew what I really do with you when we’re alone.”

“We should keep that to ourselves.”

“Maybe not entirely.”

“What do you mean?”

“I spoke with Martin the other day.”

Martin Abrams was a well-respected Dom in the New York City BDSM scene. Julian had frequented his club, Master M’s, before meeting Kayla. Martin had been somewhat of a mentor to Julian. He spoke highly of Martin and suggested the two of them go to the club to observe. She had expressed an interest in wanting to kick things up in their relationship, but the idea scared her. Julian thought Martin could assist with her request of wanting to learn more when it came to certain aspects in the bedroom. Julian had admitted he had been too soft on her, and if she wanted the full experience, Martin was who they needed.

“What did he say?”

“He was pleased that I’d found a partner who was willing to play the way I like playing. He was surprised I’d finally settled down. He wasn’t expecting that.”

“I don’t think anyone was.”

“I’ll be the first to admit I underestimated what being in love was like.”

“You’re very cute.” She kissed his jaw. “I’m glad I could get you on board in the romance department.”

“I’m happy I could introduce you to the kink department. We make a good match.”
