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Chapter Three


Hoping on my bike after school and seeing Sara try to wave for me to stop just has me cranking the fucker even faster.

“What the fuck is up with that chick? You ever gonna tell us what went on with you two?” Canaan asks over the roar of my bike.

Out of all my brothers, Canaan and I are probably the closest. However, I still held on to my secret relationship from him too. Mainly because Sara asked me to, but I also wanted something exciting. I wanted someone to pick me so badly. Still, I know it will hurt him when he eventually finds out. I can't keep it from him much longer. He knows me better than anyone. He was the one who would find me after all those fights my parents got paid for. He would pick me up, get me cleaned off, and then we would sleep out in the clubhouse. His home life isn't any better than the rest of ours. His mom beats his dad, and his dad beats him, but that’s his story to tell. He was actually the mastermind behind some of my fights. He started betting on me and my fights, and we were able to save up a lot of money. Money we have saved and plan to use toward getting out of this town and start our business with our brothers. We didn't want it all to be on everyone else. We wanted to contribute in some way.

One of our biggest paydays came from me throwing a fight. I had gotten pissed at my parents for putting me up against one of the toughest bastards in the underground circuit. He showed no mercy whatsoever and even had a reputation for paralyzing two other fighters. My parents didn't think twice about throwing me in the ring with him. I knew I could have beaten him, and a month later, at our rematch, I did just that, but I was done being their puppet.

They told me they bet big, that it would be a huge payday for them once I lost. I made Canaan put up every single penny we had…. Against me. To say he was pissed at me for a few months would be an understatement. I made sure it didn't look like I threw that fight, but we both know I did. We doubled our money, though, and my parents lost everything. They didn't push so hard for me to fight after that, and then just a few months later, I told them to fuck off.

I only fight now as an escape, as something to do. I hate going home, and with all my brothers falling in love, I need something to occupy my time. I shake those thoughts out of my head. I had a fight a few nights ago, but I don't want to live that life after meeting Farlee. I don't want her to ever associate me with violence. She looks so skittish, so on guard. She looks like she has to deal with enough of that shit on the dailey. I don't want to add more to her.

“Soon,” I tell him. He gives me a nod, and I can see in his eyes he's going to hold me to that promise.

“I’ll intercept her so you can get out of here,” he tells me, like the fucking amazing brother he is. He does just that.

He “accidentally” steps in front of Sara, and she stumbles back when she hits his chest. She tries to walk around him, but he steps in her way again. I smile and see the anger in her eyes as she catches my look. I chuckle at her screech but don't let it stop me from getting the hell out of there.

I take a left out of the school parking lot and head to the outskirts of town. My quiet spot is there, just on the edge of an old farm. There is a huge willow tree with branches covering half the bank and half the water in front of it. On the other side is the farm. Sometimes, depending on how long I stay there, some horses and goats will wander up, and I get to pet them. I keep fresh apples in my saddlebags from the fruit stand down the road, just in case they come by.

I make it to the pond, parking my bike and hopping off. I head straight for my favorite spot. Under the long vines of the willow tree, right under the base, is an old bench. It was here before I found this place but it was a bit dirty. I cleaned it off the third time I found myself here. When I wiped off all the dirt and grime, I uncovered a heart carved into the bench with A and T in the middle. I'm not sure who those initials belong to, but it seems they haven't been back there in a few years.

I take a seat on the bench and lean back against the trees. Closing my eyes and breathing in, I feel instantly at peace. The wind brings the scent of honeysuckles and freshly mowed grass, and my mind immediately returns to my girl. I wonder where she is now. What had her rushing out of school so fast today? Does she have a boyfriend at another school she meets up with? I shake my head at that thought. I really hope not because the idea of her with someone else nearly buckles me. And to think I almost betrayed her for a girl like Sara. I'm disgusted with myself. Maybe I'm not good enough for her, especially after falling so easily into Sara’s trap. I take a deep breath and bang my head against the tree trunk a couple times, not knowing what to do.

I hear a horse galloping up toward the fence close to the tree. I smile, thinking about the white horse with gray swirls on its back and a gray mane. It's easily the prettiest horse I've ever seen, and she sometimes comes to visit me quite a bit here. She sits with me for hours while I pet and talk to her. I stand, ready to get some apples out for my girl, but a voice stops me.

“Hello? Who's there?” someone asks just outside the canopy of the willow tree.

“This is private property. You're not supposed to be here,” the voice seems small and timid, but she's trying to hold her ground.

I step out from under the tree, and my eyes widen when I see who's on the horse. Farlee. She gasps when she sees me and quickly winces before looking away.

“She’s your horse? This is your property?” I ask in surprise. What are the fucking chances?

“I’m sorry, I just saw the bike and didn't know anyone even knew this place existed besides my family. U-um, yeah, this is the farm I grew up on. A-and this is Sprinkle,” she says. I can tell I make her nervous from her stuttering and the fact that she won't look at me. Though that probably has something to do with the fact that she thinks I yelled at her.

“Sprinkle?” I reply, chuckling. Her eyes glare back at me.

“Yes, Sprinkle. I’ve had her since I was five. When she was born, she was pure white but looked like there were sprinkles of gray throughout her coat. They’ve turned to swirls now, though,” she tells me, keeping her head high. I smile up at her from her spot on Sprinkle's back.

“I’m sorry about trespassing. I found this place a couple years ago, and it's become my sanctuary, but I don't want to bother you or your family,” I tell her as I make my way to my bike. Sprinkle neighs though and walks closer to me. She nudges my arm as I pass close to the fence, making me chuckle. I grab an apple from my bag and hold it up for her. I hear Farlee gasp, and when I look up at her, I see her face full of wonder.

“How did you get her to come to you? She doesn't like anyone but me and my mom. She won't even let my dad pet her. She turns her head and flips her tail at him,” Farlee says in amazement.

I shrug before petting Sprinkle down her nose.

“She met me about a year ago. I was having a really awful day and was in a really bad state. She came up to me and nudged my face until I started petting her. She stayed with me for hours that day, and I guess you could say we got attached. She visits me almost every time I'm here,” I tell Farlee.

“Wow!” she comments before a big smile breaks across her face. It's the first smile I've seen from her, the first time she isn't ducking her head or hiding from me. When I catch that smile, I swear my knees go weak, and the whole world shifts.

“Yeah, wow.”
