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“Doesn’t change the fact that you are,” she rebutted while opening her food container, and I screwed up my face.

The mayonnaise on her salad was about to give me a headache.

“Shit,” I gasped and laid a hand on my belly. “Your salad smells disgusting.”

Marian pulled a face, and I threw myself out of my chair. I started pacing, trying to remember when my last menstrual cycle was. For the past two months, I’d been so occupied trying to juggle my new role as Luna and everything at the supermarket that I didn’t realize I’d missed my period—twice.

When I stopped to stare at Marian, she was forking her salad into her mouth.

I snatched the container from her, took a whiff, and my eyes rolled back. I darted out of the office and threw myself down in the bathroom seconds before the vomit exploded from me.

When the retching stopped, and I dragged myself out of the bathroom, feeling oddly warm, Valari and Marian were waiting with scared looks.

“I need to go to the hospital,” I mumbled. “I think I’m pregnant.”

When Valari started grinning, I shook my head, and she snatched her own smile away and started shaking her head as well.

“I’m not ready,” I murmured while wincing. “I have enough going on. I can’t be pregnant.”

Marian looped her arm through mine and combed my hair back from my face. Kaleem and I had talked about having kids. We both wanted kids, but this was too soon, way too soon. It was only last week that I felt fully settled in as Luna and was familiar with every pack member.

“What if I’m pregnant?” I asked Marian and Valari answered.

“Then your son or daughter will be the luckiest kid on earth,” she said, and with those basic but beautiful words, my tense shoulders dropped.

“Can we go to the hospital first to make sure before I call Kaleem?” I asked, and Marian nodded.

“Of course,” she answered. “You’re not in this alone, Diana. No one is ever alone in Wolfcreek. You have us, two supportive and amazing packs, and a mate that would rip the earth itself apart for you.”

Closing my eyes, I took another deep breath.

Marian was right. I wasn’t ready, but if I was indeed pregnant, it couldn’t be undone.
