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But this morning, when Hawthorn flew to her defence—that was the most human she’d ever seen him, fae darkness aside.

“I think we’ve all been convinced that they are.”

ThetriptotheSummer Court resulted in many things and many changes, but to a narrow few of Faerie, the greatest and most significant was the decision that Princess Serena, heir to the seat of Summer, should be Hawthorn’s ‘chosen fae bride’ that the curse spoke of.

Their engagement was contingent upon her ending it, and had not been officially announced for fear of making her a target for Ladrien or any other parties keen to allow the curse to come to fruition. Hawthorn had joked, not entirely humorously, that perhaps he ought to announce Lucinda as his intended instead if they wanted a decoy.

Hawthorn was not exactly keen to marry Serena. He hardly knew her, and she seemed hesitant about the whole thing too.

But it would be selfish to refuse.

The plan was simple: Serena would be taken out of Faerie shortly before the day in question, and returned back shortly afterwards, with all manner of precautions in place to ensure she didn’t fall victim to the curse. She’d be assigned a small number of guards both mortal and faerie. The mortals would wait for her by the border, unhampered by the curse. The faeries would escort her back again under a series of enchantments.

If it worked, Ladrien would lose.

If it worked, the kingdom would only sleep for a few days.

If it worked, Hawthorn wouldn’t have to wake up without Juliana. He wouldn’t have to spend the rest of his life wondering what had happened to her.

Even if she left, she’d live, and he’d see her again.

It was for that reason more than any other that he’d consented.

“I’m sorry,” said Juliana, helping him into a robe and plumping up his pillows, making him look at least a little bit presentable. Her fingers hovered for a moment beside his head, almost as if she were thinking about touching him. He wished she would, but he knew it was a foolish wish. “We thought it best to bring her here, for her protection.”

“You’ve thought this through.”

“I’ve had a lot of time to.”

Once more, her fingers lingered, as if unsure of where to go, but before she could make up her mind, Princess Serena arrived at the door, clad in cerulean and seashells. She was a tiny, nervy looking creature, with enormous doe eyes and the speckled skin of a fawn.

“My Prince,” she said, bowing her head. “I am glad to see you well.”

“Well, I still have a hole in my middle, but I am conscious, which is likely an improvement to everyone but dear Jules here.”

Serena glanced at the floor, stifling a smile. Juliana pouted uncomfortably in the shadows.

“May I come in?”

“Please do. I daresay you’re better company than my sour-faced guard.”

He’d still, as always, prefer to be alone with her, although there was presently a gloom about her sloughing off in waves. Serenaoughtto be better company, though. And food had been brought up, too. He realised suddenly how hungry he was.

Serena stayed for the better part of an hour, chatting amiably about the journey and how pleasant the palace was. She helped him eat, too, when he found his fingers too weak to hold the spoon.

All actions Jules would have struggled with.

And yet, when Serena departed, and the room fell silent once more, that was when he was happiest.

“Juliana?” he asked.


“Would you help me into my nightshirt? I find myself tired again.”

Juliana nodded, getting up from her spot and moving towards the dresser. Her calloused fingers turned soft against the wood as she pulled open the top drawer and selected his favourite, coming back towards the bed.

She tugged gently on the ties of the robe, sliding it off his shoulders. Her fingertips caught on his skin, sending tiny, pulsing shivers through him. He tried not to buckle beneath that touch, resisting the urge to pull her into bed with him.
