Page 13 of Office Pet

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“I know you will, pet.” He reached down, ran a finger over my lips and smiled.

With that, he left the restroom, and as silly as it was, I felt bereft at his absence. How was it possible that a man I knew so little about, a man I’d spent so little time with had such a potent effect on me?

The restroom attendant came bustling in. She said nothing but tutted loudly enough for me to hear her disapproval. From the closet, she produced Lysol wipes and wiped down the counters. Embarrassed, I scrubbed my hands in the sink and left without looking back.

Chapter Six


As soon as I made it back to my house on the beach, I went to my private office and poured myself two fingers of whiskey, but the glass sat on the large wooden desk untouched.

I slumped back into my leather chair and stared out the large windows at the moonlight lit crashing waves. Restless, I tapped my index finger on the arm of the chair and looked at my glass. I didn’t feel much like drinking. I didn’t feel much like anything. No, that was a lie. I felt like fucking Reese Peterson senseless.

That red bondage dress she had on tonight, left very little to the imagination. Her curves were ample—full hips and thighs with a thin waist and enough cleavage for my big hands to squeeze. And her ass was perfect, round and ample. I had touched, grabbed, and run my fingers over almost her whole body, but I wanted more. I needed more.

I’d had my eye on Reese for a long time. She’d acted surprised when I said I knew who she was. Of course, I knew who she was. I first saw her when we began having talks with the board of her old company about a buyout. I’ll never forget seeing her hunched over her desk, oblivious to me and everyone else around her, a pencil clenched between her full lips.

With her honey blonde hair, beautiful pink lips and curves made for sin, how could I not notice her? To look at her in her conservative office attire with her long hair pulled up into a bun, no one would ever have guessed she was as kinky as fuck. That beneath her prim and proper blouse and pencil skirts was a wanton and sexy woman.

But I knew. I could tell in the way she swayed her hips as she walked in sky-high heels or the way she would unconsciously bite her lip when she was making coffee or concentrating on her work. Every inch of her screamed sex, and all I needed to know was if she would take orders. Tonight, she showed me what a good pet she could be.

I rarely listened to office gossip, but when I heard that Simon was taking Reese to my niece’s gallery, I almost lost my shit. She was meant to be mine. But I got it together when I realized catching him with Reese would be the perfect opportunity to get rid of that sleeze bag once and for all. Simon was a weaselly mother fucker. He had squirmed his way out of trouble too many times to count. Nothing pissed me off more than predatory men who didn’t understand the word no.

It bothered me that my behavior with Reese was as bad as, if not worse than, Simon’s. I had ordered her to fingerfuck herself for me in a public restroom. The difference was if she’d said no, I would have held my hands up and walked away. But she didn’t say no. She had performed for me perfectly.

I hadn’t meant to do anything more than have a drink with her. When she sat beside me, her scent and her appearance were too intoxicating to withstand. I couldn’t help myself and I had to test her. So much for priding myself on my willpower.

The way she nervously licked her lips when she’d asked me if I wanted a drink sent all the blood in my body rushing south. Then the way she had leaned forward just a little, so I could see her plentiful cleavage, had my thick cock at attention.

If she’d taken offense and had slapped me across the face when I suggested that she fuck herself, I would have deserved it, but she hadn’t. Reese may have pretended to be shocked by my proposition, but the wicked gleam in her blue eyes told me she was up for anything. And, oh man, was she.

I reached down to stroke my hardening cock through my pants but hesitated when my eyes fell on a picture pushed to the back of my desk. A woman’s face smiled at me from the forgotten frame.

I hadn’t had a pet, as I fondly called my lovers, since my fiancée Sadie died. The day she died, my heart cracked, and the cavity of my pain ran deep, but recently those crevices had begun to heal.
