Page 52 of Office Pet

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I didn’t think it would be possible to miss or want someone so much after such a short period of time.

He had yet to call me into his office to have sex, and I couldn’t wait for that to happen, but if it didn’t happen soon, I might drape myself over his desk with or without his invitation.

What deviant things would he do if he walked into his office one day and found me naked and laying on his desk?

Last Saturday, after the blindfold and fake voyeurs, we’d spent the entire weekend fucking each other’s brains out. Every second was as delicious and as dirty as the last, but on Sunday night we said our goodbyes and Max drove me back to the real world.

I didn’t like that our relationship would be mainly on weekends, but it wasn’t like we could come out and tell the world all about us. With so much about sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement in the news right now, I didn’t think my work colleagues would understand. Hell, sometimes I didn’t understand.

Plus, I was starting to find my feet again at McKenzie’s, and I wanted to keep my job. If people found out that the rumors about Kane and me were true, my life would become unbearable. I’d no longer be Reese Peterson accounting nerd, I’d be Reese Peterson the slut fucking her way to the top. Thanks to Sloane, and Simon’s firing, there were more than enough rumors circulating about me without me adding more fuel to the fire.

I was about to shut down my PC for the day when an email with the subject I Know popped into my inbox. It was from an address I didn’t recognize. A shower of spiky shivers raced down my back. This didn’t bode well.

Despite my spidey senses telling me to delete the email, I clicked it open.

I know about you screwing Kane McKenzie, and soon everyone else will know. You think you’re above everyone. You get someone fired by crying sexual assault, but then you bend over for the big boss. You may act innocent and sweet like butter wouldn’t melt, but I know your type.

Watch who you step on because they might be the one to pull you down with them.

A cold sweat broke out on my brow and prickled my skin. I did a Google search of the email address. It was registered to a torrent site that protected its users, which meant they couldn’t be traced.

Whoever had emailed me was vicious and nasty and was doing what they could to cover their tracks. Only one person was mean enough to do this, and that one person was Sloane. I wouldn’t fall for her childish games or anonymous emails.

She could be as nasty and as jealous as she wanted. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of letting her know I knew she knew. I deleted the email. Sloane didn’t deserve another second of my time.

I shut down my PC and grabbed my bag, but before I stood to leave, Linda came out of her office and over to my desk.

“Is everything all right?” she asked, “your face looks like thunder.”

“Everything’s fine,” I said, giving her my best smile. “I thought you were at a doctor’s appointment and wouldn’t be back.”

She rolled her eyes. “No rest for the wicked. Look, Reese, I hope you don’t think I’m crossing the line, but remember, you can talk to me if you ever need a shoulder to lean on. I don’t want to see you get hurt. I know Sloane has it out for you. I wish I knew why.”

I shrugged but gave her a smile. “Me too, and thanks, I appreciate the offer of your shoulder.” It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her about the email, but then I decided against it. What was the worst Sloane could do? Spread more lies about me?

Linda crossed one arm in front of her chest and fluffed her pixie hair cut with the other hand. “Does eleven on Friday work for your next evaluation? I thought maybe we could do it over coffee. Get out of this place for an hour or two.”

“Eleven works for me. Thank you.” I grinned sincerely. I needed to keep Linda on my side. “I’m excited to talk about my future at McKenzie Technologies.”

She raised her dark eyebrows and gave me a look, evaluating if I was serious. I didn’t flinch under her perusal. “As am I,” she said finally, with a little sigh. “Before I go, do you have any insight into the inconsistencies you found in that last account?”

I sighed. “I’m still deciphering the files, I feel like I’m falling into a rabbit hole with tunnels and burrows going everywhere. I’ll have a report for you next week.”

She moved closer to me and leaned against my desk. “Why don’t you let me jump on your PC for a few hours. I might be able to see something you missed. Not that I doubt your abilities…”

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