Page 10 of The Night Queen

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“Not now!” I snapped at him. Out of all the moments to interrupt! Was Father considering keeping me closer? Would he let me learn from him? But too late, Father had already turned to face the footman; the moment of hope was gone.

“What is it?” he asked.

“The first guests from the North have arrived.”

“Already?” The word felt like it was torn from my lungs. My birthday was not until tomorrow. These Northmen were like pigs smelling a feast.

“Thank you,” my father said to the footman, who threw me a frightened glimpse and then rushed off. “Let us welcome them,” my father said, raising his arm, but instead of grabbing it, I turned on my heel.

“Please excuse me. I am feeling unwell all of a sudden.”

I stormed off and expected him to holler after me, to force me to show respect to our guests, but for some reason, he didn’t.


Maybe he would be more forgiving than I expected when the suitors, hoping for a princess, encountered the Night Queen instead.

At least, I could only hope so.
