Page 15 of The Night Queen

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“Have a go at me next, Your Highness,” the young man said in a low, manly voice. My eyes narrowed, studying him as I tried to recover from the initial shock of his confidence.

He was over six feet tall and was dressed in fine black leather pants and a doublet. A sword was hanging at his side in the fashion of men of fighting age, but theirs was more for show—decorated with precious stones. This man’s sword looked used and had scratches on its shimmering, bright metal. His pitch-black hair matched his leather doublet but contrasted his sky-blue eyes. A thick beard covered his face, hiding parts of his mouth, but overall, his facial features were level and handsome. He looked as if he had come straight from battle.

It grew silent in the room, all eyes on the mysterious Northerner and me. As much as I hated it, I had to search for words, had to break through the wall of intimidation I had only experienced with my father. Who was this man? And how dare he speak to me this way?

I tilted my head, one of my golden curls falling out, and took a step forward. “And who mightmebe?”

Wimfred was about to knock that awful thing again, but the dark-haired man raised his hand. Wimfred froze with the rod held aloft.

“I’m Alrick from the North, Your Highness” was all the man said.

“Alrick...” I mumbled to myself.

There it was again, that name. The voice of a little boy ran through my head.

“Alrick von Wilbrandt, lord of the mighty mountains of Kulgrat,” it said as if I was seven again. Was he actually that boy from my birthday all those years back? The one Frida spoke of earlier?

The tension in the room made the air thick. Everybody was waiting for me to say something, to counter this man, put him in his place.

“Alrick,” I repeated out loud again for everyone to hear. “So, we meet again after all these years.”

“It seems so,” he said confidently. “You haven’t changed much.”

Whatever that was supposed to mean, it was utter nonsense. I had changed in every way a girl could change. Inside and out.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You, on the other hand, have changed quite drastically. I see you came straight from battle?” My eyes wandered over him, head to toe. Alrick didn’t flinch.

“I have.”

I straightened, gaining my confidence back.Night Queen, they call me, and the night doesn’t fear anyone.

“We can see that. Are there no trees or bushes in the North that you could have hid behind to change into something more appropriate?”

The first mumbled laughter erupted in the crowd. For some reason, it bothered me that they were laughing at the only real man I had encountered at this fest so far. And it bothered me even more that I was the one doing the instigating. But unlike the others I had a go at, Alrick just smiled—unfazed.

“There were plenty, but if my clothes are all that is bothering you about me, I’d say I fare quite well.” He nodded at the group of suitors I had insulted as the crowd laughed at his witty remark.

My father made his way over to me. I knew he was trembling with anger on the inside. I could see it in his slightly shaking hand. Yet his posture reflected nothing but grace and calm. “Well spoken, Alrick von Wilbrandt.”

No. This was not how this ended. I would not risk my freedom now, not after all I’d said.

My father waved a servant with a wine tray over. “Will you join us for—”

“I do have more, if you’d like to hear it?” I interrupted my father and turned to face Alrick again. A wave of surprised mumbles echoed through the great hall. So far, I had insulted Northern suitors, but to interrupt my father openly like this was unthinkable. The faces of the crowd had turned from laughter to shock. Wimfred looked as if he was close to having a heart attack. Even I felt a cold shiver run through my veins but was too afraid to look at my father. I was beyond the point of no return. The price for my freedom would be high high, was up to my father.

Unlike the crowd, Alrick just looked at me, still unfazed. Then, the unthinkable: his grin grew wider.

“Your Highness,” Alrick said, bowing. “I would be delighted.”

The crowd was silent in anticipation. I dared to briefly glance at my father, whose face was as hard as a rock. His eyes were filled with silent threats, warning me of the rage to come should I dare to say another word.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my fragile nerves and steady my shaking hand.

Be brave, I told myself. The godsdon’tshow kindness to those who show kindness first. They kill their mothers. You must fight in this world for the right to create your own destiny, especially as a woman.

I stepped a little closer, still leaving a comfortable distance between Alrick and myself. Then I studied him once more. His eyes were glued to me. He might be handsome, but with that beard...who knew? It was thick and strange in shape, coming to a sharp point beneath his chin.

I took another deep breath. “I have already addressed your sense of fashion,” I stated, emotionless. “And you were blessed with height.” I pointed at a short man whose long nose hung over his lips. “Unlike carrot man over here.”
