Page 80 of The Night Queen

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“Your Highness, Lord Wilbrandt.” Ulf joined the conversation, bowing at my father. His arms held his silken night coat over his skinny chest. “I have rooms prepared for you.”

Alrick nodded and followed Ulf up the stairs. My father stayed behind and placed his large, warm hand on my shoulder as I watched Alrick disappear up the stairs with Henrike. I turned to look at him. He was in his shiny armor and looked like a man one wouldn’t want to anger or cross swords with on the battlefield. I was proud to be his daughter. Not like I had been in the past, in my thirst for power and riches, but more in a loving and admiring way.

“Thank you for bringing them here safe,” I said to him. His brown eyes softened.

“I didn’t do much. Alrick is a brave man. He led the search for his sister.”

“And Conrad?” I asked.

My father flinched. He didn’t want to tell me. I could see it in his eyes.

“I take it he has been dealt with?” I added coldly.

My father narrowed his eyes at me as if seeing me for the first time, realizing that the daughter he had lost was not the same one that he’d found. Then he nodded.

“He has.”


“I’m so proud of you,” he said. My whole face beamed with joy. I realized I’d been waiting to hear those words for years. For a moment, we stood in silence, both looking up the stairs, my father’s hand lingering on my shoulder.

“And I approve,” he said as my cousin ran down the stairs toward us.

“What?” I asked, looking at him. A satisfied smile turned his lips.

“Of Alrick,” he clarified. “I know of no finer man than him in our kingdom or the North.”

How did he know about us? Had they talked on their way up here?

I blushed and looked away.

“Your Highness!” Ulf blurted as he came to a quick stop before my father and bowed. “The honor of welcoming you here...please let me show you to the finest room of the castle. I have prepared food for you and a bath.”

My father nodded. “I would appreciate some rest and food. So would my men.” He turned toward the courtyard.

Ulf bowed again, then turned to his servants. “You heard the king!” he yelled. “Take care of his men. No wish shall be denied!” The servants burst into a frenzy of action. “Tomorrow we will have a great feast in your honor,” Ulf said to my father. “The whole North shall see how a real king should be treated.”

My father looked at me. “That’s very kind of you, Ulf. I would like to dedicate the feast in my daughter’s honor. We have great news to share.”

I blushed even more, filled with happiness.

“Great news?” Ulf asked.

“Tomorrow,” my father said. “We all need to rest our tired bones.”

“Of course, Your Highness, as you wish.” Ulf bowed again, throwing me a curious look. “Your room is this way, Your Majesty,” he said, leading my father through the hall to the stairs, several servants following on their heels.
