Page 84 of The Night Queen

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The knight was wearing an eye patch and had a boxy chin. Slowly, he rose, still bowing. I had seen this man before at my father’s side when he rode out with soldiers to quell an uprising or held strategic meetings with his knights. Dieter was his name, if I recalled correctly.

“My Queen, we have to return to your army at the border. There is no time to waste. Some of the noble families might try to overthrow Her Highness now that your mighty father is gone. We must use the fortunate circumstance that half of your army is camping along the Northern border, far away from the lords or our capital.”

My blurry gaze wandered past Dieter and found Alrick again, unsure what to say or do. Was I supposed to announce my marriage to him now? I wanted to, needed him now like a flower needed the sun. But would this union strengthen me as queen or play into my enemies’ favor?

I didn’t care and was about to open my mouth to call for Alrick when Frida rose, cutting me off before I could say a word.

“Your Highness, your father’s body is being prepared for travel. If Her Majesty permits, we shall leaveright away. The South will demand answers. Your people need to know the North is not at fault.”

That the North is not at fault.

Frida shook her head, her eyes warning me not to say another word. And the way she had emphasized the wordsright away.

I looked at Alrick again, who turned and left. Was he also telling me to remain silent and leave the North? Just like this? Like a thief fleeing in the night? After all that had happened between us?

Henrike remained, her eyes as confused as mine.

I took a deep breath and straightened my spine. Horror was the only feeling I could identify right now. Hours ago, I couldn’t sleep because I’d been filled with so much joy. Now it was all gone, and I seemed doomed to live in a nightmare for eternity.

“Ready my horse,” I commanded, trying to sound confident and strong.

Some of the soldiers exchanged looks. It was unusual for a queen to travel on horseback, but I didn’t care.

“Yes, My Queen,” Dieter said.

“Now make way!” I demanded. Proud and strong, yet I felt so lost, so lonely, so confused, and scared.

Instantly, the sea of soldiers parted to create a path, each and every single one of them rising the moment I had passed them on my way to the door.

“And bring me Alrick, Lord of Kulgrat,” I added. My voice had almost failed to say his name. The name of the man I had hoped to marry only moments ago. “I need to speak with him before we leave,” I said to Dieter.

“In shackles, I assume, My Queen?” Dieter asked. I stopped and narrowed my eyes at him.

“Don’t ever assume for me again,” I ordered, the Night Queen briefly shimmering through the new me. Alrick in shackles. The thought was unbearable but a good indication of how my people felt about the North now.

He bowed. “My Queen, forgive me.”

As I strode past Henrike, Frida joined the army of men marching after me. Not Henrike though, she was looking at me, her face uncertain.

And she wasn’t the only one. I couldn’t wrap my head around it all. I was shaking, inside as much as on the outside. Was this happening? Was life exceedingly this cruel? After years of loneliness and misery, I had finally reconciled with my father and found love in my heart again, only to watch everything run through my fingers like water? I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my father, tell him that I loved him, that all was forgiven, and that he didn’t have to worry about the future of his kingdom.

But was that true now? Was the Rhine Kingdom safe? Its people still knew me as the Night Queen. They hated me. And now that my father was dead, would they blame me for it? Or the North?

“How did my father die?” I asked Dieter, who was striding next to me as if ready to fight the whole world should it dare to block my path.

“It seems of natural causes,” he said.

I bit my lip so hard, I could taste the metallic flavor of blood in my mouth. I needed to stop crying and distract myself from the voice that told me to give my kingdom to whoever wanted it so I could run to Alrick. If I were to be overthrown, what would I have to offer Alrick any longer? The war would continue, and all would’ve been for nothing. Besides, I still had a debt to settle with King Algar, who, as far as I knew, could be behind all this again. And I was my father’s daughter. The Rhine Kingdom was mine.

My fists clenched, fingernails digging into my soft palm.

“Gather the best scientist in biology and doctors of medicine of my kingdom and this one and send them to a Rhine noble family close to the Northern border. We shall have my father examined.”

Dieter narrowed his one eye in thought. “That would be the Lord and Lady of Fellsbruck. They are loyal to your family, and their estate is much closer than yours.”

“Good, notify them of my and the scientist’s arrival. If my father was—” My voice broke off. I couldn’t make myself say it.

“It shall happen as Her Majesty demands,” Dieter said. He gave me a gentle smile. “On our ride north, your father told me that he believed in you, that you were strong, fair, and one of the smartest people he knew. He was right.”
