Page 44 of A Modern Lady

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“Yes, the answer to that isfailure. That should finally set you free.” Henry didn’t seem to know how to respond to that, folding his hands behind his head, trying to find the right words. “My great-great-grandmother sounds absolutely… lovely.” Isabella grinned.

“Oh, she was a true blessing.”

It was quite incredible; despite everything that had happened, oddly enough, she almost felt grateful for her mother, if that made sense. She no longer hated her. Those feelings had dissolved. Now that she had finally broken free from the golden cage that had trapped her heart for so long, why hate her? Without everything that had happened between her and mother, she would have never traded places with this Emma, and would have never met Liam, Dan, and even Henry.

She could only hope that Emma was as happy in 1881 as she was here in the twenty-first century. But that was surely something they could find out by digging into the past using Google.

Isabella looked over to the very spot where she’d first woken up in Liam’s arms. Scared, confused, and all alone. Four weeks later, she was deeply loved, had amazing friends, and was able to let go of the rage toward her mother that had been eating her from the inside for years. She looked back one more time onto the very pavement that had changed her life and ultimately brought her happiness—and love.

“Straight roads don’t make good drivers,” Liam said as if he was reading her mind. He lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed her one more time, before they all walked away.

“Did you read that in one of your cooking books for man-cakes?” Dan asked with a sarcastic grin.

Henry drew his brows together, staring at them with a dazed look on his face. “What the bloody hell are man-cakes?”

They all laughed, except for Henry of course.

“They are the way to a woman’s heart, my friend. Isabella and Dan are the living proof,” Liam said with a grin on his face. Dan spat out a growl, causing the whole group to laugh again.

It was right there and then that Isabella knew she hadn’t swapped places with Emma into a new, unknown world. It wasn't like that at all. It was more like she had finally returned to the place she belonged to all along. She had returned home.
