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On top of the clock was a note from Chase. He had taken Katie to a nearby park, and there was no point in trying to call because he couldn’t find his phone. He would be back at noon. According to the numbers on the digital clock, it was only eleven. I set the alarm for forty-five minutes and curled back up in the massive bed.

Chapter Fifteen


I kept replaying it in my mind. I didn’t really want to, but it wasn’t the first time my subconscious didn’t listen to me. Etta had actually been pretty convincing when she said her mom was sick, but that was part of the problem. She was always a really good liar and found new and interesting ways to manipulate me back when we were together. In retrospect, I stayed with her a lot longer than I should have. I was just too young and horny to recognize how Machiavellian she was. I had actually been under the impression that our relationship had been perfect at the time. A sure red flag. Ducky!” Katie shouted, toddling off toward the pond, sending several land waddling mallards to wing. Like a shot, I was up and after her, scooping her up mere feet before the water. Katie burst into giggles. Getting her back to the bench, I wrangled the little girl back into her backpack, getting her onto my back. I knew exactly what I was going to do but just hopped that Katie would be asleep before it went down. The hotel was only a couple blocks from the park. I wasn’t sure if the choice had been subconscious or just a coincidence. Either way, it turned out to be rather convenient in terms of parking if nothing else. My plan had really only extended as far as going over to the hotel. Not actually covering what I would do when I got there. Standing by the opulent sliding glass doors of the four-star, I rocked Katie in her backpack while trying to formulate the next phase of my cunning plot, trying to look like I was waiting for a taxi — checking my watch every few seconds just to lay it on really thick. I had just decided to try going in to the front desk and flex my influence when Whitney saved me the trouble by coming out with Etta in tow. “Chase! What are you doing here?” Whitney asked. “Is your mom really sick?” I asked, staring straight at Etta. “What?” “Yesterday, you told me you needed money for your mother’s medical bills. I wasn’t paying close enough attention to read your tells. Was that real or bullshit?” “We are going to be late,” Etta said to Whitney. “Late?” I asked. “For our flight,” Whitney said, causing Etta to stare daggers at her. “I thought you weren’t leaving until tomorrow,” I said, smelling something with the strong whiff of bullshit. “Why would you leave a day early?” “We have to,” Whitney said looking embarrassed. “Weren’t we going to have breakfast tomorrow?” My sister looked down at the ground. “Yeah, but I got my part of the inheritance early. I don’t know how she did it, but Etta managed to persuade the executors.” “I bet she did,” I said, giving Etta a meaningful look. She gave me the finger in return. “Anyway, I thought we should go back early.” “You did or Etta did?” I asked. “Etta suggested it and I agreed. What do you care anyway? She told me what you said.”

“What did I say?” I asked, looking at Etta, the pieces rapidly falling together. “That you didn’t want to see either of us, and there was no point in calling because you wouldn’t take my calls. I tried anyway but you didn’t answer.” The last bit clicked into place and I knew exactly what was going on. Etta really was up to her old tricks again. She was not only trying to get my money but when that failed, she had resorted to trying to drive Whitney and me apart. I had to hand it to her, she could be really damn cunning. If I hadn’t had the experience that I did, she might well have gotten away with it too. “I haven’t been able to find my phone since yesterday,” I explained. “Oh,” Whitney said, starting to look confused. “He’s lying,” Etta tried. “In fact,” I continued, staring her down. “I haven’t seen it since you left my apartment yesterday.”

“You didn’t tell me you went to see him.” Whitney looked at her friend. I moved closer to my sister. “She told me the whole story about how her mom was sick, and she needed money for medical bills.” “But I already covered that,” Whitney said, looking at me and then back at Etta. “And yet, she tried the same thing on me. Must be some pretty big medical bills. What is wrong with dear old mum exactly?” “T-this is ridiculous,” Etta said, trying pathetically to salvage her lies. “I quite agree. You are nearly thirty, and yet, you don’t seem to have matured one iota. I really do pity you and your pathetic, parasitic existence. And you really should try and come up with better lies if you are going to try and bullshit me. I am a lawyer after all.” “We have to go,” Etta said again, grabbing at Whitney’s arm. “Okay, just one thing. Whitney, can I please borrow your phone?” I asked sweetly. “Um, okay,” cautiously, Whitney handed me her phone. I scrolled through her contact list until I found my name. I hit the send button and it was only a matter of time before my ringtone started chiming out of Etta’s purse. “What the—” I handed Whitney’s phone back to her; my name still displayed on the screen as the call recipient. I also handed her Katie. While Etta was distracted, I grabbed the bag from her shoulder, got my phone out, and returned the bag before she really had time to react.

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