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“Without wasting any more of your time,” the man on the podium announced, “let’s all get on our feet and welcome our benefactor, the great and generous Mr. Elijah Radcliff.”

Show time. Chairs screeched against the floor as people rose to their feet, clapping wildly. Elijah walked on stage waving to the crowd and then gave the man on the podium a curt nod, his smile soft. The clapping grew quiet.

“Thank you all for coming,” he said, his voice echoed through the hall. “Please, be seated.” He paused, his eyes moving over the crowd as everyone focused on him, eagerly awaiting his speech.

“By the end of this night, we will have a number. A number that will change the lives of so many forever. We have countless organizations on this board here to my right,” he said pointing at a large poster. “They serve many worthy causes, ranging from helping children in Uganda all the way back home to local domestic violence shelters. They all will benefit from your kindness and selflessness here tonight.” His left hand clutched the microphone tight as a round of loud applause echoes through the room.

“I know rich people are notorious for holding on to every penny as if it was their biological child.” Loud laughter broke out briefly before going silent again. “But just like real children will venture out into the world someday, money which we have plenty of, should do the same.” He had their undivided attention now, at least he hoped, “Don’t be mistaken, this event is not about me and it’s not about money.” His voice was bold and steady. “It’s about love and those in need of love. It’s about -"

A phone rang, piercing though the silent crowd like a sword. It threw Elijah off track. People had been instructed to put their phones on silent. Who the hell is this rude person? He frowned, his eyes searching for the source.

A wave of disappointment went through him when he saw the culprit. It was none other than his own grandson, Benjamin. He was fumbling with his phone, his fingers moving fast as he tried to shut off the sound.

Lucy covered her face with her left palm. The ringing continued for a solid five seconds, drawing everyone’s attention to it. While trying to get the sound to stop, the phone slipped out of his hand and hit the ground by his feet before it finally silenced itself.

An awkward cough from someone behind Ben snapped Elijah back to his speech.

“A-anyways…” He scrambled for his words, feeling a little disoriented. “T-The helpless women and children—”

The same ringtone echoes over the heads of the gala once more. A second wave of chatter broke out. Elijah found Ben’s gaze. It was only for a brief moment as Ben rose and rushed out with his phone, but even that second was enough to show the whole room how disappointed Elijah Radcliff was in his self-centered grandson.

“So, to cut things short,” Elijah shouted to get control over the gossiping crowd again. “I, Elijah Radcliff, will donate $500,000,000 dollars myself. Thank you and enjoy the party.”

If he didn’t have people’s attention a moment ago, he had it now. Shockwaves exploded as people broke out into wild discussions about the generous amount. Elijah’s gaze found Lucy’s, whose eyes and mouth were as wide open as the endless ocean. Her hand clutched at her neck; she looked paralyzed.

Good, Elijah thought to himself as he walked off the stage. Benjamin came running up to him. “Grandfather, I am so sorry. I know I should have left the phone outside but –”

“I need to be alone,” Elijah mumbled, cutting him off. Without another word, he exited the hall from the back door. The sound of the thrilled voices faded as he walked out of the building into the cool night air.

He felt a cloud of somberness hover around him. His speech was meant to be longer than that. He’d planned to make a joke how they will still be billionaires and wanted to call on Benjamin at some point and officially announce that he would be taking over his company. Then he had planned to mingle with the guests, have a drink, maybe a dance, have some fun for the last time in his life. But right now all he wanted was to be alone.

Elijah held his jacket over his arm as he strode through his estate’s rose garden, mercifully free from the crowds inside. Stretching out his hand, he let his fingers run through the moist leaves and brushes. They understood him, these leaves and flowers.

He continued his slow stroll through the garden, holding on to the little comfort he had left, when he spotted James Burns, his gardener, walking in his direction.

"A nice night for a walk, sir," James said through a smile.

A friendly, honest face was very much welcome at this moment. James was someone he'd known for years - more than forty. He'd never known anyone else with so much simplicity, who was truly satisfied with the little he had.

"Yes indeed," Elijah responded.

They were about the same age, although the strain of hard work was visible on James’s face and the wrinkles and cracks on his hands. His hair was grey and balding. The years of working the gardens and being in the hot sun showed on his skin. This is a man who's been through a lot, Elijah noted.

"You're really doing a great job with these flowers, the garden looks superb," he complimented him.

"It's my job and I enjoy it." James beamed, his weathered eyes and skin brightened.

Elijah accepted that with a nod and sighed.

"Are you not feeling well again, sir?" James asked, looking at his boss who stared at the flowers in front of them.

Elijah spoke calmly, "James, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

He smiled and turned to look at his gardener. "How do you do it... stay so happy, even despite, you know... The obvious lack of wealth?”

James smiled. "There's no big secret, sir. You just realize the things you have and focus on them; hold them dear. In my case, I may not have a lot in my bank account, but I have my Ava, and that makes me a lucky man."
