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Ava got lucky with her horse, a gentle, old soul that trotted down the beach path as if it was the only thing it ever wanted to do. Ben’s horse, however, was a spirited mare who fought him from the moment he had mounted her. At some point, his horse almost ran off with him, straight into the ocean. The tour guide had to pull a fancy cowboy stunt to grab the horse’s reins and stop it.

At some point Ben, who had been on plenty of horses before, had thrown himself off into the sand in fear the horse would launch off again into the nothingness of the ocean with him. Ava had never laughed so hard in her life before.

After the horseback ride from hell, at least for Benjamin, he took her out for an early dinner at a little diner downtown. When they finally got back to the beach house, the sun was already setting.

“That horse was possessed,” Benjamin insisted as they walked in. “It should have been called Widow-maker, not Sunshine.”

Ava laughed again. “At least you got a chance to show off that ninja roll of yours.”

“Pretty impressive, huh?”


“You know, I’ve never asked what kind of movies you watch,” he said as they settled in the living room eyes on the TV. Ava came in with drinks, eager to enjoy the rest of the evening.

“I don’t really watch movies often, but I do like documentaries or historical romance movies.”

“I was hoping you would say that.” He smirked.

“Yeah, right.”

“No, really… my favorite movie in fact is calledPride and Produce,” he said as he sat down on the couch with the remote in hand. Ava laughed out loud.

“I bet. That’s why you know that it is actually calledPride and Prejudice.”

“Ok, ok.” He laughed. “You got me.”

She sat beside him. For a moment they both grew quiet, well aware how close their bodies now were. The air seemed to thicken instantly. Ava tried not to look at him, but glanced his way, nonetheless. Her heart started beating hard when she saw the way he looked at her.

“Why don’t you surprise me with a movie? You seem to be full of good ideas these days,” she said trying to distract from the arousal that grew stronger inside her by the second. Being alone with him, his smile, his eyes, his lean body… He was so incredibly handsome. Just the thought of him kissing her again or holding her on the couch made her silently beg for things she never knew a woman could beg for.

Ben gladly went along with her distraction attempt, focusing on the TV with determination.

“Let’s meet in the middle. What about an action movie where they fall in love?”

“Fair enough.”

Halfway into the movie, while bombarding him with questions and asking how this or that was possible, she pulled her legs onto the sofa.

He looked at her. “Cold?”

He didn’t wait for an answer and shifted closer and put his arm around her. She smiled as her heart started pounding so heavily, she was hoping he couldn’t hear it.

His arm went around her side, gently pulling her even closer. He leaned his head into her hair, intoxicated by her sweet smell.

“You smell good,” he mumbled out loud.

Ava grew hot, her cheeks fire red. As if it wasn’t her own body and someone else was controlling it, she looked up at him and leaned her head back. Inviting him, begging him to kiss her. Ben’s eyes darkened with passion. He lowered his face to gently brush his lips over hers.

“Ava…” he whispered as his heavy breath robbed her of her senses. She moved her hand onto his leg, slowly running it up and down, close to his manhood, teasing him. He moaned in response.

“I can barely control myself,” he whispered out of breath against her lips. “If you touch me like this again, I—” She pressed her lips against his before he could finish his sentence.

They kissed passionately, the movie playing in the background now forgotten.

Pushing away from each other, they exchanged looks in silence and then pressed their lips together again, this time faster and more intense. Deep breaths and soft moans escaped their lips as their hands moved through their clothes, peeling them off.

She whimpered softly and paused when he slipped his hand up her dress and felt the warmth of her skin.
